* Posts by rjstua

10 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Sep 2015

PC tech turns doctor to diagnose PC's constant crashes as a case of arthritis

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I had this exact problem only a month or so ago. It was the user's Apple Watch magnetic clasp that was triggering the sleep function since the laptop believed the lid had been closed when the user was waving their wrist over the laptop while typing away. Proud of myself for not taking anywhere near years resolving that! A mere 60 seconds was sufficient for me to spot that, honest.

Scammers steal $4 million in crypto during face-to-face meeting


Re: Trust wallet think they know how it happened now

They actually suggest that the fake KYC PDF contained malware which compromised his computer/device. What that malware did, they don't explain though! As someone has said before, the physical meet-up must have be required to make this work.

Two signs in the comms cabinet said 'Do not unplug'. Guess what happened


I am reminded of a member of staff unplugging an old tower server in order to plug in a fan heater, taking down the sites file server and case management system. Gotta keep them feet warm!

Literally rings our bell: Scottish eggheads snap quantum entanglement for the first time


That would be the mull

OpenAI bots smashed in their first clash against human Dota 2 pros


Re: why surprised humans beat a handicapped AI ?

Now that's a race I'd like to see! Usain Bolt vs Ordinary folk with a 50m headstart!

North Korea's antivirus software whitelisted mystery malware


Could it have also been badly written on purpose, like it was meant to be found and interrogated all along?

Suspected drug dealer who refused to poo for 46 DAYS released... on bail


Re: Ah well...


You shrunk the database into a .gz and the app won't work? Sigh


I started at a new company a while ago and did all the usual checks and measures to see how the land lies.

Backups was first. Every day we received a "Backup Complete" email, great! Backups are being done....until you look at the amount of data backed up. Approx 1GB of data was being backed up, successfully, to the single tape backup. Alarm bells started ringing, especially as the mailstore itself totals 90GB. There's no compression algo in the world that is that efficient right?!

After further investigation, it transpired that we were backing up a single database only. The database was essentially an index of what was supposed to be backed up, but not the actual files themselves. Yosemite Server Backup had decided that, despite not backing up well over 400GB of data, the fact it had backed up 1GB of an index was successful enough.....

Sorted now though, with a successful backup AND restore tests!

Android Pay debuts in UK


Just activated here in the UK...

...that will save me nanoseconds the next time I buy a flat white from Costa!!!



Re: craft it smaller

Ahhh Kasteel, the cause of my wife's mid-afternoon extreme drunkenness during a weekend break in Brussels! 4 of those suckers and she was on a different planet!