* Posts by CarolZu

1 publicly visible post • joined 14 Sep 2015

Ashley Madison lawsuit drops GoDaddy and Amazon as defendants


Re: irreparable injury?

Anyone suing is known to their spouse. Most of the spouses know at this point, plenty of people have made it their mission to ensure that. It's the community damage people are trying to control at this point... and how much it follows them for the remainder of their life on the clear web. What's the appropriate life sentence for going onto a morally shady website?

Considering the number of females named in the data whose cards were used to fund MALE accounts (remember, females could chat up males for free) is it really hard to believe there may be people named and damaged within their communities who didn't actually deserve community shaming? What about the guy who voyeuristically perused it for a laugh and then paid to delete without ever buying credits? Should he be shamed at the same rate as the guy who bought an affair guarantee? What about the couples who were on there together and didn't really want their kids to know?

Owning up is done and over, now it's about how long everyone has to pay for it.