And then there is reality, not Drumpf's best suit.
Posts by Bistro
4 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2015
Computer forensics defuses FBI's Clinton email 'bombshell'
Vanished global warming may not return – UK Met Office
Re: Proposal
r..w, "seems to suggest that the Antarctic ice-cap isn't going to melt any time soon"
Now, had you actually paid attention, or looked it up online (how hard is that really?), the balance of LAND locked ice on Antarctica has diminished by a whole lot (by gravimetric satellite data). In short, it is happening already however much you like to point at floating ice.
Re: WHAT??!! No mention of an impending Maunder Minimum?
M..n, Your headline mentions MM, but no word of it in your article --> ??? Maybe that is because you realized that the Little Ice Age (LIA) happening 'a while' back had actually other more significant causes than the prolonged dip in solar activity to make it as severe as it was. Recent (and not so recent) assessments of the LIA attributed merely –0.1 °C of the drop in temp to the lower solar activity. So, there's not much to be found there to make a molehill out of.
What historical precedent?
Lewis Page states in his article: "historical precedent suggests a return to relatively cool conditions could occur within a few years". The main question concerning that statement is "what precedent?", and maybe more to the point, "what precedent could possibly apply?"
With 800,000 years worth of data telling us that CO2 has not been even close to current levels (400 ppm) for all of that lengthy time span over which it was meandering around within the range from 180 ppm to 270 ppm, there simply is no applicable precedent.
Not to forget: What has been found is that all oceans undergo multi-decadal oscillations (e.g. the PDO runs roughly a 30 year cycle, then add the other oceans for good measure to figure out what the overall global cycle could possibly be. Good luck on that then btw) cycles that are not in sync, which goes to score the point that a 15 year timespan is a useless yardstick on this matter ("but in fact there hasn't been any global warming for more than fifteen years"). Mind you, those very fifteen years have smashed one record after another. So much for 'a pause with no change'.