* Posts by DancesWithLice

21 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Sep 2015

'Dear Daddy...' Max Zuckerberg’s Letter back to her Father


I wish

I wish that, instead of learning Chinese or reading a book, he makes his next project bulking up. I find his weedy geek body so offensive to the eye. Perhaps he could use his remaining one per cent of wealth to hire a personal trainer. Jock-Zuck would be much more loved in the world. Jeez, as it is he can't give away 30 billion without people taking the piss.

Music lovers move to block Phil Collins' rebirth


I agree. Rivalry and competition are the best drivers for going the extra mile to produce great art, whether with band members, girlfriends or parents. A good example is PG's "So", which is the one thing produced by any Genesis band member that I like. There's an interesting account of its creation in Spencer Bright's biography of PG. But then look at the egotistical way PG went on to tour that album, particularly the celebratory renditions of "In Your Eyes". Nasty.

Anyway, cheers for my first down votes, Genesis fans. I'll enjoy seeing them on my account like a pile of PC ballads.


Haha you got me... It really is Tony here.

I saw a Genesis documentary where Tony and Mike reflected on PC's career. 'Of cause we wished him success,' said Tony, 'he was a mate. But did he have to be *that* successful?' He was joking but also not joking, if you know what I mean.

I'm sure you are right about the internal band pressures that led to this toolish rivalry, but it amuses me that the often mocked pomposity of Genesis" music can be seen personified in the pointless struting and oneupmanship of the band members' solo careers.


What a bunch of willy-waving tools the Genesis boys turned out to be. Each one trying to prove to the others they were the real top dog. PG and PC were both desperate to prove they could make it big outside the group. Both were undeniably successful in terms of sales. But wouldn't it have been better for the ears of the world if they'd just got drunk and had a punch-up? Or fucked each other's wives like normal people?

Caption this: WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


With the spy cam fully operational, Jim just had to build a false wall with porthole windows before his girlfriend came round.


"Who? Me? Kiss you... right on the glass? Oh, you dirty, dirty, beautiful beast..."

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


Sarah's boss's promise of an exciting new position turned out to be a huge disappointment.


Whichever way she looked at it, Sally couldn't make head nor tail of Microsoft's business model.


Jenny's Australian cousins never tired of her upside down Skype gag...

New Nexus 5X, 6P smarties: Google draws a line in the sand


True, but poor battery life and the crap camera are two good reasons to upgrade. Imagine getting your one chance to photograph your kids when they're cute and ending up with lousy pictures for a lifetime. Life's too short to have a dreadful camera on your phone.

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


"Gee, Pa, Mom really has taken all her clothes off..."


"Hey, Dad, back in the real world, the tree's grown an ear, your wrist's grown a butterfly and my foot's grown a light bulb..."


"Uh, dad, I've just stood in bear poo again..."

Bezos' BAN-HAMMER batters Chromecast, Apple TV


To the posters who accidentally paid for Prime, Amazon will refund if you ask (so long as you haven't been streaming Sponge Bob 24x7)...

I know Amazon never claimed to do no evil but their evil seems to be increasing as they gain market dominance... Keep it all open, Bezos, and win on merit - it's what's got you this far. Don't break it now.

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


Jesus' forty days and forty nights in the wilderness flew by thanks to El Reg's lively mixture of news, entertainment and up-to-the-minute tech reviews.


Revealed, the true explanation behind the 'near miraculous' event of The Fappening...


On his seventh try, Jesus totally nailed his vacation selfie

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


The peekaboo version runs open source.


Move over, glassholes - here come the bra-stards.

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg


Steve's visual metaphor for Windows 8 was simple but effective.