Re: Going after federal government tech spending ...
74 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Sep 2015
" UK citizens decide on their next leader"..
The UK electorate NEVER decides on their next leader (althought they may think that they do).
Effectively they just elect a political party. The party decides upon the leader (and could change it very soon after an election if they wanted).
All we can do is choose the particular flavour of well-meaning (sometimes) and clueless (often) clowns.
"UK tech businesses are projected to secure $12.7bn (£10bn) in venture capital this year, the highest in Europe once again despite losing ground to the rest of the continent.
France raised the second-most VC funding at $8bn, followed by Germany at $7.8bn."
8 + 7.8 = 15.8 so MORE than 12.7
(from https://www.uktech.news/news/investment-news/uk-tech-funding-2023-vc-europe-atomico-20231128
The Foundation https://www.raspberrypi.org/ still focuses on education but the commercial company https://www.raspberrypi.com/ is there to be a business (and thus fund the Foundation).see https://www.raspberrypi.com/about/ for easy to read summary.
One entity is a commercial organisation (with all the good and bad things that suggests), the other is a charitable foundation that tries to do good things.
"which does somewhat more than optimizing holes in a speaker enclosure. It also pits normal phase and reverse phase sound waves against each other to cancel out at distances."
I suspect that the correct way to describe this is "BY optimizing holes in a speaker enclosure it pits normal phase and reverse phase sound waves against each other to cancel out at distances." No "also".
Having gone through similar experiences twice over the last 2 years, I found that the keyword you need is "bereavement". If you search for that on most organisations' websites you *usually* find a dedicated phone line and downloadable forms etc. These phone lines seem to be staffed by real, caring, humans!!!! Made a difficult process slightly easier.