Re: Daily Trump
Twix Consumer
7 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Sep 2015
The online-only options of Universal Credit, Child Tax Credits etc are an absolute horror show for people who claim these. It's frustrating enough for people with the time or the willingness to do it, never mind people in difficult situations or without adequate Internet access. The websites are slow, unreliable and wait times to access them are abysmal. This is from personal experience over many years. HMRC are horrendous to get in touch with also. I genuinely think it's deliberate to stop people from accessing things they are entitled to.
A huge amount of pupils are arriving at Secondary School having only used iPads and other touchscreen devices at primary school. Year 7 is teaching them how to use a keyboard and mouse because they don't get this basic level of use in primary. Take iPads out as they are a huge cost versus the actual academic achievement/outcome.