Personally, I detest Trumped-Up, and I think he's not only bungled this one badly (par for his course), but focused on all the wrong points. That aside however, I totally agree that ultimately this needed to go back into hands of the lawmakers. That is their job after all. And if you have an opinion, now is your time to tell those who represent you what your opinion may be.
It's important to remember that:
1) Most Dreamers aren't children. They only ARRIVED as children. They grew up. They got schooling. They got jobs. But what they did NOT get were work visas or green cards.
2) There is a huge world of difference between legal and illegal immigration. Having done a lot of the legal kind myself, legal immigration is a PITA, but it's the law, and it's ridiculously unfair to those who go through the efforts and costs to immigrate legally to just wantonly hand out to those who did not.
3) Dreamers were never made "legal". The whole program quantified their ILLEGALITY, but gave them a deferred deportation date, on a renewal basis, to get their $#!7 in order. They were ALWAYS on borrowed time, wishing on a fairy godmother riding a unicorn under a shining star, and they knew it. To pretend otherwise is ridiculous. It was in writing!
4) This whole situation was created by a CIRCUMVENTION of the law, and THAT cannot be allowed to stand. Even if Trumped-Up had gone the other way, it would have been taken out of his hands, for this very reason. So whatever he decided, ultimately, did not even matter in this case.
5) No one has as of yet said that all Dreamers will be deported, only that what was done, was done illegitimately. Now the legality will be correctly stipulated. No one has decided which way that will go or what options may yet be created. (But you would be a fool to sit on your asterisk and wait.)
6) If companies care so much that they will pay legal costs, need we remind them that there is absolutely nothing stopping any employer, great or small, from aiding and endorsing a Dreamer's proper LEGAL immigration, if they truly care.