* Posts by MrTuK

221 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Sep 2015


US proposes ban on Chinese, Russian connected car tech over security fears


Maybe I am too olde skool !

I would not purchase any vehicle if it needed to connect to the internet or be of Chinese Origin - especially Boom Whistle whizzz Bang BYD !

Some people are just sheeple well maybe they just don't have the knowledge to understand what Big Tech are doing although if they watch enough scifi movies they might start to get an idea but in the real world its 1000's of times worse !

I do own a Smart phone a Samsung Android Phone A51, no it doesn't use any data except when in the house potentially, I don't ever use any browser, Gmail etc or any apps that try and use data. I use the phone book app, Photo taking app, Photo Gallery app, Phone call app, Text message app and that's about it. People say whats the point of having a smart phone. why dont you just get a keypad phone and I say well basically I like the phone book app over the keypad versions and it has a reasonable camera for taking pics. Oh and I have never put my Bank Card details into my phone as I don't trust it to be secure enough ever !

Maybe this is why I also don't use MS Windows since after 2016 (alas Win 7 64 Pro was the best window ever), Yup Linux was tough back then and although its easy peezy like Windows now with so many DE's available unlike the locked down MS Windows 10,11 and the OS is not a personal data sucking OS or that you will be forced to use AI etc so that it can collect every minuscule piece of personal data that it might have missed before and Linux won't try and get you to store any of your personal data on its cloud servers so it can troll them at its leisure or try to lock you into paying a charge when you when you go beyond 5Gb cloud storage of stored data !

Go go go system76 with POP-OS - The Windows games I play via PROTON in Steam on my 7950X with 6950XT GPU are just as good as it would be in Windows and without any Kernel accessing Anti-Cheat software hooks with potential security issues either !

If every PC is going to be an AI PC, they better be as good at all the things trad PCs can do


Re: Adverts, Ugh

Hmmm I haven't watched UK TV since before 2000, yeah I am a computer Geek - UK TV gets the British Public to pay for a TV License to watch BIAS UK Gov Propaganda the the rest of the world can watch for free - work that logic out, I did and opted out of never watching BBC or any Live TV since - I feel much better for it and still know the difference between a mob being called far right racist thugs rather than simple people just fed up of the UK Gov giving foreign economic migrants all the perks that they can't get because there is no money and so Pensioners will have to go cold this winter missing out on a measly £300 heating allowance while certain MP are claiming £3,000 for 2nd home heating allowance and 2 Tier Stalin is getting back hander's at the trough like so many MP's while disabled persons are grilled when they have already been give a medical stating its for life and now they think a life long disability can miraculously be cured !

Game dev accuses Intel of selling ‘defective’ Raptor Lake CPUs


Re: "working on the multiplayer dinosaur survival game Path of Titans"

nope, 12th Gen !


Now to be replaced with AMD 7950X systems and soon with the faster single core 9000 series looks like Intel has scored an own goal here but it will all be ok with Intel's Next gen won't it !


Re: Power, and stuff.

Are you insinuating that Intel F3CKED UP ?


AMD didn't shy away from fixing this.


Re: Intel vs AMD vs ... CPUs

I 100% agree with you about 68K - I loved that CPU design especially programming in M/C !


Intel, Intel OMG Intel !

Being an AMD AM5 Desktop user (7950X using Linux of course) I have been following this situation with 13th/14th K/KS models with amusement, yes amusement. Intel have always pushed the envelope because they get the advertising / positive propaganda. Anyway my 2 pence worth concerning this situation is Intel you are F3CKED this time. I personally think Intel knows what is wrong with the the 13th/14th Gen being potentially the glue that you are using metaphorically speaking to hold them together. And unless Intel stands up and replaces all 13th/14th Gen CPU's immediately that a customer requests one then I can see a class action lawsuit coming its way. The shit is about to hit the fan and it is a doozy, so god help the fan let alone Intel !

What is super bad news for Intel is that would a user that has had a defective Intel 13th/14th CPU now want an untested for 6 months next Gen Intel CPU rather than an AMD 7000/9000 one, maybe they will demand their m/b and CPU to be replaced with the upcoming Intel Next Gen CPU's or maybe 100% money back so that they can purchase an AMD m/b and CPU !

All I can say is the quicker Intel jumps on this to resolve it the less future hassle it is gonna get and its gonna need might deep, deep pockets to keep everyone happy !

Hong Kong's Furi Labs shakes up smartphone scene with dash of Debian


Linux phone please that is just reasonably priced with reasonable hardware

I love using my PC's all of which are Linux based (POP-OS) and yes I am very happy with it as my 100% daily driver, no MS Windows Apple products whatsoever. But sadly I still have to use an Android phone but only for phone calls, texts and Plants vs Zombies. I will not use my phone for any internet browsing or any apps except the camera and Gallery apps. So a Linux phone would should easily fulfill my needs until they can fix Firefox etc. I just don't like the idea of constantly worrying about my phone device spying and collecting personal data on me which I can imagine a lot of other people feel the same.

Microsoft resumes rollout of Windows 11 24H2 to Insiders


Microsoft resumes rollout of Windows 11 24H2 to Insiders

Thank goodness I wised up to MS with the arrival of Win 10 in 2016 and decided nope - not for me. I am not a personal data giver to MS or Google, FB etc. I jumped to Linux, have a few tumbles etc but nothing to dramatic and finally settled on a distro that suited me in 2020 (POP-OS) and haven't looked back since but have had a good chuckle at the current state of Windows AI debacle.

Fujitsu set to be preferred bidder in UK digital ID scheme


Just curious about this ID schem.

Just wondering if this ID scheme will be the starting point for a Digital currency Bank account that everyone will be forced to have, so that the UK Gov can collect tax on every transaction - EG; The money one gives to child member of their own family on their birthday so that they can choose their own presents or possible the rent of a loan that one has borrowed from a close friend or family member so that it would get 30% from the original loan and then when returning the amount one would have to add 30% so that the person that loaned you actually gets back what was loaned out ! sheesh the UK Gov will be known as loan sharks - Which I suppose they are ! Notice I haven't pointed this to any party cos they all screw us the same in the end !


Well the Third Reich got you guys acclimatized to have ID cards !

China pushes its payment platforms towards an international presence


This is China's way of getting foreign cash !

This should be blocked by the West especially Visa/Mastercard etc because China never follows international rules and norms. Just look at the South China Sea, it will only follow until it decides nope, now you do what they want from now on. Any idiot that can't see that needs to go back to being a Neanderthal !

Dell promises 'every PC is going to be an AI PC' whether you like it or not


Ai - No thank you !

Linux, Linux, Linux - all the way - No AI unless it controlled by the for a specific task and certainly not integrated into the OS that is madness.

Hacker: Hello Windows PC.

MS AI: Hello hacker, what can I do for you today ?

Hacker: Uninstall Windows and upgrade to Linux.

MS AI: Ok, but which Distro shall I install ?

Hacker: Anything except REDHAT or Fedora !

MS AI: But this will make this PC so much faster and there will not be a need to upgrade for years to come !

Hacker: Exactly !


Re: Every PC is going to be an AI PC

Every PC is going to be an AI PC

Dell support: Have you tried turning it off and on again ?

Yes,It says "I'm sorry Dave I can't let you do that"

Hahahaha that wasn't Dell that was IBM, but still it was a good comment !

Lukewarm reception for Microsoft's Copilot Pro amid performance, cost grumbles


What does everyone think of AI being baked into Windows 12 ? Personally I wouldn't want an OS to have the ability to use AI on me as a user, at the moment without PC's having an AI NPU its not an issue, but with the new Intel and AMD CPU's coming out with NPU's built in, this will mean MS can do even more profiling to gain even more personal data point about its users that would make me very uncomfortable because it will get so pervasive - I will stick to Linux because that an OS that just tries to be what an OS should be - Just a stable platform for Apps that I want to run.

Mid-contract telco price hikes must end, Ofcom told


BT fibre Broadband

Well from my point of view when I signed up for BT Fibre I looked at the 1Gb and decided because they are gonna increase the price in April 2024 that I would not get 1Gbit but the cheaper 500Mbit, I am not saying I am the norm but that potentially means BT are hurting their on business by doing what they are doing. Its funny how tech gets cheaper/or faster every year for the same price but internet access just goes on increasing ! Phones are also increasing in price when they are just a phone and anyone that uses them thinking they are secure are just crazy. No credit card/Bank card etc details go anywhere near my PAYG phone, no i don't use an app to pay - I use 1pmobile website with fixed £10 every 120 days just so that I have the ability to make a phone call/send a text. I never use my phone for data except on my own wifi and never use any web browser because I don't trust internet access via my phone. I use 100% Linux on all my PC's and use Firefox & Librewolf as my browsers of choice using Adblockers etc of course to reduce my internet footprint. I know I am not perfect but using Linux means MS gets nothing from me, using Android means Apple gets nothing from me, Not using internet or any browser on my Phone means Google gets very little from me, Using Firefox and Librewolf on Linux means Google gets very little from me. I have a domain name so have unlimited email addresses, using a different email address for anywhere that requires a email address like BT etc so that I can see where any website has been compromised and can then just bin all emails from that website.

Millions of smart meters will brick it when 2G and 3G turns off


Its all a load of crap, I keep getting the stupid letters from my leccy supplier about getting a smart meter yet when then send me a email to send them a meter reading (on the last day of the month) and I send them a meter reading on the 2st and then pay the bill including the VAT, 10 days later they say I owe around £10 which is the estimate they have made from the 1st when I paid until they got their finger out of their ass to send me a bill which i didn't need cos I already paid 10 minutes after sending them the meter reading ! I contacted them to to see if I can sort this out and they said can't I just wait until the 4th to send them the meter reading and then pay ! I said no, I send them a meter reading when they requested me to and I pay the bill straight away and if they wanna take me to court then lets go ! I continue to get bills around the £10 value and on the 10th of the month and they go straight into the recycle bin !

Contract for England's controversial health data platform delayed


I have already removed my consent for any use of my personal medical data, because it will never be used for my wellness just some companies profiteering of it and will probably get hacked anyway !

China declares a new era of digitization has begun


Re: @Paul Crawford - Exactly!

China wants 100% total control, if you don't toe the line 100% then no job, no money, no travel, no purchasing food or anything they can turn of any or all Gov services and yes everything is CCP Gov Services as far as it is concerned.

Now the free democratic countries are following suit - sheeez What a sad world is coming where you won't be able to criticise anyone or any Gov in any way whatsoever, So you don't like xyz, ok your ID Card is no invalid for payments or purchases oh, sorry it was done in error sir, it was just a simple mistake and we are so sorry that its taken 5 years to resolve.


Re: @Paul Crawford - Actually

Canada has been in the pocket of the CCP for years - Sadly :(

European watchdog: All data collected about users via ad-consent popup system must be deleted


Lets hope EU will do better than they did with the case against Intel and the $1Bn fine !!

The inevitability of the Windows 11 UI: New Notepad enters the beta channel


Re: Last decent version of Windows was

I switched after testing Win 10 for 3 months when it first came out, for some reason I could foresee the future of MS Windows, they want your data, they want total control over the Windows ECO now rather than back in Win 95 days mind you there was SFA else to go to if they had done it then so they would have had everyone by the short and curly's !! Win 7 Pro was the best but now its POP-OS with Cinnamon UI for the Win 7 look and feel, and oh wow Windows games work in Steam :) at least the one's I play EVEonline :)

UK Treasury and Bank of England starting to sound serious about 'Britcoin'


Digital money !!

Well I must be in the minority, I would never put any app on my Samsung devices that requires the use of my bank or credit cards, I just don't think they are secure enough except for Google to collect what data it tries to. I use my cards in Firefox on my Linux system and would never use any other damn browser as most are Google Chromium based and as already stated I don't trust Google. So using a digital currency that the UK Gov can track is not what I would like which is the only reason I can see that they want it otherwise why not just use the current services available already. China uses it so it can monitor its own people and is trying its damn best to get people to adopt it, basically it wants to know what everyone spends their money on and if it decides it doesn't want you to purchase whatever you want it can block the transaction, especially if you have lots of dosh so no leaving the country purchasing a plane ticket or transferring your money from HSBC to some foreign bank account as it will all be in the China's Digital wallet and it will hold the purse strings ! I don't often use actual cash but i do sometimes and I dont want to lose that choice although seeing the way our utopian society is going maybe that choice will be taken away from me and I don't have cards with NFC either !

Intel claims first Alder Lake chip is the fastest desktop gaming silicon in the world


Alderlake certainly is a capable range of CPU's and what makes the 12900K very interesting is although it is supposed to be 125w (What a joke) it seems it will be at least 225w and up to 330w if overclocked so using a 50% more power to get how much % faster than a 5950X ? Intel has always been good at throwing high power at their CPU's to get more performance, not sure if this can be air-cooled or not whereas the 5950X can be ! No I am not an AMD fanboy but I do remember Intel demo'ing a certain CPU and not declaring that were using an industrial chiller to cool the CPU just to win the performance crown and I do remember Intel paying rebates to Dell so they wouldn't sell AMD 64 based systems - I just don't trust Intel at the moment because of their history that I haven't forgotten. I doubt the AMD VCache CPU's will beat a 12900K unless they are both using air cooling, but I am sure some people Intel fanboys would say that's an unfair comparison to force air-cooling on both CPU's - personally I hate water cooling as at some point it will leak and then you are up a creek without a paddle so to speak !

Research finds consumer-grade IoT devices showing up... on corporate networks


IoT are like tribbles but dont require food !

Unvaccinated and working at Apple? Prepare for COVID-19 testing 'every time' you step in the office


I do get why they want people vaccinated but its BS to force people. They don't do it for FLU any other viruses and although I have been vaccinated twice and also had COVID after my 2nd jab and would recommend anyone above 30 to get vaccinated, I still would never want to force anyone. But saying that I think everyone should wear a mask iif n close proximity to other people in doors. This risk is higher to non-vaccinated people so its their crazy choice to not have the vaccine but its still their free choice.

China to allow overseas investment in VPNs but Beijing keeps control of the generally discouraged tech


Western money need to stay out of China, its that simple. If you invest then you are complicit to what goes on there, Forced Organ transplants etc. The only way to stop the CCP/PLA machine is to with western money.

Opt-out is the right approach for sharing your medical records with researchers


Brilliantly put, but sadly people not being tech savvy or internet savvy of all of big techs data collection is actually quite common (98%+) and is quite difficult even for some of us that are truly tech savvy ! Only possible to avoid if you use Linux PC and not and Android or IOS device ! Now how many of us are willing to give up out Smart phones ? Unless you want to 8use PinePhone 64 and I personally don't think its quite there yet ! Maybe the never version will be !


Re: NHS Data Slurp As A Threat

You hit the nail on the head, trust needs to be earned and not given away easily. Prove to me that the Gov never loses date ! Now let me think - lol, they have a lot of proving to do. Sadly if its a private company they could be sued, but you cannot sue the UK Gov for letting the cat out of the preverble bag. Remember all the Child benefit records (24M) were were compromised.


Re: Shirley there must be an acceptable third option

Then its up to the powers that be to tell them to sling the flippin hook, but you would never get an honest politician to to that ! There aren't any honest one's, they believe that we minions work for them when in reality they are supposed to work for us ! Look at all the dodgy claims they would put in for properties and travel !


Re: NHS Data Slurp As A Threat

These type of Organizations will already have a list of everyone's date of birth and postcode, yes you could miss identify some people, but sometimes it would be possible to lock a person down with just the first part of the postcode and their date of birth (to year and quarter only) and if you have all of UK's population DOB and Postcode over a long period of time no one would be anonymous.

Clearview CEO doubles down, claims biz has now scraped over ten billion social media selfies for surveillance


Re: Protection agains sloppy AI

In Hollywood you would be correct, but this is real life and these @ssh0les will always find an escape route. Now if we can get his profile pic into a drone !


Re: "We never want this to be abused in any way"

agreed, sadly Pandora's box has already been opened !


Re: "We never want this to be abused in any way"

Well you know that will never happen, just remember its techies like us that work on projects like that !

Windows 11 in detail: Incremental upgrade spoilt by onerous system requirements and usability mis-steps


Re: One convenience wanted....

Crying with laughter, thats their bread and butter aswell as forcing Edge and the Bing as search engine !


Re: No Hope ?

If this is such good security option why hasn't Linux requested it to improve your security. Maybe it would be better to improve the OS without trying to force Secure Boot and TPM 2.0 and a Minimum Intel and AMD CPU to run it or better still just run Linux - Maybe REDHAT or Fedora as these are both IBM. But most Linux Distro's can be hardened you just need to find out what you need to do.

Microsoft's problem child, Windows 11, is here. Will you run it? Can you run it? Do you even WANT to run it?


Re: Shame on you Microsoft. Windows 11=1 billion PC's of landfill crud, for absolutely no reason.

Agree 100%, sadly its the non-techie people out there that will dictate to everyone else what will be used because those are the people that dont touch anything in setting and just use as is, use the default browser, user the default search engine, think back to Internet Explorer it was CR@P but it was the most dominant browser ! Same will happen with Win 11. But just maybe Steam Deck can change this even if only just a little !


Re: Ummm no

Check protondb.com is all your games are there ! Then jump !


Re: Linux for gaming?

Grab a spare SSD of say 128gb, Download POP-OS from System76 choosing NVidia GPU or non-NVidia GPU, put the iso onto a USB, replace said SSD with whats in your current system, boot USB in the usual way either EFI or BIOS and install, Complete the user and password setup, set your time/location ignore most other stuff. When installing get it to do updates while installing. Now you have a working Linux system, goto the pop-shop and and install Steam - enter your current details - Steam doesnt care what you use, all games are allowed to be played on all platforms with your account. Before installing any games goto setting and enable Steamplay for all supported titles. Goto protondb.com to check if its ok in Proton which is Steam play and what version is best for a particular game you own. If you have a large game library then you can install onto a second disk or use a decent sizes one (1TB) in the first place.


Re: Surely, this year ...

Could be the year of the SteamDeck which could have some interesting Linux fallout due to it !


Re: This will be the fourth...

I switched in 2016 due to Win 10 like many did, now more will switch due to Win 11 but many more will switch after SteamDeck raises peoples awareness of Linux and Game playing. What many don't realise is that MS wants to force everyone into the MS store (all home users require a MS account) and then at some later date MS will use its bitdefender etc to say ah, this program has not been verified by MS so you cannot run it, if you choose to ignore this warning, no more updates etc !


Re: Want to run it?

Thats one thing that is not talked about much, yes you can put your Linux drive into any other X86 (64 bit) PC/Laptop and it will boot up, without screaming about needing activation BS. Assuming it is using the same GPU Vendor (AMD or NVidia). Just curious if your new Win 11 M/B dies how will you be able to access you data assuming you are Joe Public with next to no knowledge of Windows ?


Re: Want to run it?

So many distro's but for very good NVidia support I would recommend POP-OS (Ubuntu based) from System76, I have it on 3 Gaming laptops. Once installed if you want a more Win 7 GUI you can install the cinnamon desktop GUI by typing in the following in the terminal "sudo apt-get install cinnamon" press enter and enter your password then reboot, bottom right is a settings option to choose your GUI - select Cinnamon - away you go.

1Gbps, 4K streaming, buffering a thing of the past – but do Brits really even want full fibre?


This is completely stupid !

If customers dont want fibre because 10mbps is enough then switch them to fibre for free and limit the bandwidth to 10mbps, what is so difficult with that !

Ah, they want the customer to pay for something they dont need or want at the moment - I bet they do, well that isn't going to happen and saying they will end copper at a specific date will depending how they do it will potentially mean some people will opt out of internet services due to the added expense of a service they don't want or require. Just reduce fibre packages to ADSL prices with a free bonus speed upgrade from 10mbps to 20mbps or 30mbps.

It will not go down well if you say look buddy your £10 a month unlimited ADSL at 10mbps is being discontinued so upgrade to fibre at 50mbps at £50 or lose internet services ! I know I would be pissed even if i was out of contract !

Its much better to use a carrot than a stick so do packages that make it enticing enough to make the jump to fibre or upgrade them as I said for free but limit their bandwidth to 10mbps or better still upgrade them for free to 30mbps and dont tell them what you have done !

Former UK PM Tony Blair urges governments to sort out online ID



Hahahahah brilliant !


Former PM idiot Blair should be told to STFU

What does it matter what an ex-Priminister who should be tried for war crimes has to say about anything that matters in the UK. He is an out right liar and fraud and should be locked up for his crimes rather than anyone listen to what he thinks of anything at all !

Italian data protector makes Facebook an offer it might want to refuse: A €1m fine for Cambridge Analytica data leak


Re: Just pocket change

I totally agree hit them hard where it hurt's maybe next time they will make sure it won't happen and make it X 10 the fine if does !

No backdoor, no backdoor... you're a backdoor! Huawei won't spy for China or anyone else, exec tells MPs


Re: Close the business

Not Sure if you are being genuine or sarcastic !

Especially considering GCHQ's history !


Re: No laws?

There is no real difference between any Gov of any Country and anyhow can USA complain about Huawei when it uses any security vulnerabilities it can in order to access any hardware it can especially Cisco. Infact they have teams of people looking for Vuln's so they can exploit them (rather than make them known so they can be plugged the the manufacturer) and I imagine China and all other Gov's secret service do the same especially USA because Eddy Snowden let that one slip !

There is one final twist worth thinking about, maybe Huawei is more secure or doesn't have one particular security hole that other manufacturer's do and that is why the USA doesn't like Huawei !
