Bloody LastPass Free now is effectively for a single device. I can only change between my laptop and mobile phone app 6 times.
After some research and messing about, I decided on Avira Password Manager Free and installed it and imported my passwords.
I have kept Last Pass as backup / emergency.
I am now in the excellent situation where both now fill in the other's Master password.
Hmmm...need some more hours thinking. But I have been fed up with playing what ifs and security strategies for years.
My latest bugbear was choosing $ as one of my special characters
Where the hell is $ on an Android phone keyboard?!!???
I was reduced to copying and pasting it from a random website until I learned how to do it properly (even my daughter - a phone wizard - didn't know this trick)
Solution: Press and hold any currency key for a choice of others.
I also keep Axcrypt (! - still) encryptions of my password file export on my laptop
And make regular system images of the HDD to an external HDD.
Regular education and updating does take significant time
And all the What Ifs swirling around my head
What If...
My phone or laptop is lost or stolen?
While I am in the middle of a current password manager session?
Have I been sneakily phished or hacked recently?
Are all my apps secure?
What about this new Pegasus Zero Click vulnerability?
I know that most of my passwords that I keep on odd scraps of paper or the paper notebook next to my laptop are secure.
I can't even decipher them. And if I do, it's a long defunct email account to regain access to a company long out of business
What if I have a car crash or a Stroke?
I might forget how technology works completely