Is a software recall really a recall?
As far as I understand it, the software is being "recalled" as an over the air update, why would this impact the share price?
77 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Aug 2015
I don't really agree with this basis of uniqueness. The instructions are not a physical thing and therefore are either unique or not as the case may be. The number of and type of atoms are irrelevent. Or maybe as some others have suggested this is my unique perspective - which I doubt.
At first I thought you were being sarcastic but now I am not so sure.
There is no need for a disc or an external USB hub with a Raspberry Pi 4.
I admit that a case is desirable, but which one :) the joys of choice.
As for an Atom outperforming a an Arm, possibly but what is the issue?
I think it could be argued that it will benefit Intel as they are no longer throwing money at a loss maker and diverting attention from the crown jewels. In the long term Apple will probably move on but at the moment they have removed the option of what has essentially been a bargaining tool and confronted the reality that they are not yet ready to replace Intel or Qualcomm. The real surprise to me as they took so long to confront this reality.
The same reason you may want to run Linux or any operating system on any hardware, the software. It may also be something you want to do to extend the life of older hardware that is no longer supported by Apple.
Also, If the data on the drive is encrypted then you effectively prevent access without the decryption key so why stop it being booted? Maybe someone else can enlighten me.
Further to this, if you can turn off secure boot and install and run Linux, then where is the issue. It then becomes like any other computer with no secure boot running.
I would have thought that DD MMM YYYY was decreasing significance, as you are most likely to want to know the day followed by the month and finally the year. say someone said the Date, then they can usually assume the month and year, and if they append the month they can usually assume the year.
There's no reason Linux or Unix users should not also like Apple or Android, this is not a mutually exclusive club; they are all based on the same underlying software. I use all the above and Windows. Fundamentally they all have advantages and disadvantages and there are cases where one is more appropriate than another. Having and making choices is always better than having none.
Just because I drive one car does not mean I cannot appreciate another, even though I may not choose to own it. If you cannot appreciate the good aspects of one thing without choosing to like it then you are just being narrow minded or obstinate, every thing is a balance and your own personal biases will influence your decisions but do not make them right or wrong.
I really have to take issue with the Peltier coolers being unreliable statement; they are used extensively for Astrophotography cameras where they cool the sensor to -40 to -80 below ambient and they are accurate and very reliable, I have rarely heard of one failing.