* Posts by Tanglewood73

13 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2015

Contact-tracer spoofing is already happening – and it's dangerously simple to do


NHS Number

The 'could' tell you your NHS number as basic verification to prove it's the actual contact tracing service instead of a a scammer as they're very unlikely to know this. Unfortunately the person being called is unlikely to know their NHS number as well...

Pervasive digital surveillance of citizens deployed in COVID-19 fight, with rules that send genie back to bottle


Phone tracking

God forbid anyone might think to leave their phone at home when they go to the pub thereby fooling the monitoring system into showing they've not gone anywhere..

Underground network targets Salisbury: Not the Russian death crew, this time it's Openreach laying fibre-optic cables


Re: Who Micro-Trenches These Days?

I used a pneumatic torpedo to run electric cable up my garden around 20 years ago, so the technology has been around for some time.

They're tricky to keep in a straight line though unless the ground is all of a similar consistency.

We ain't afraid of no 'ghost user': Infosec world tells GCHQ to GTFO over privacy-busting proposals

Thumb Down


Any decently competent criminals would just create their own software based on open standards and not put in a backdoor.

Use a standard port for the encrypted communications (443 anyone?) and it would be lost in all the noise, nice and secure with no government backdoor.

British egg producers saddened by Google salad emoji update


Right, that’s it – I’m stopping using all emoji’s over this!

Oh, wait, I’ve never used them due to not being born in Egypt 5,000 years ago and sufficiently old enough to use words.

Tenable's response to folks upset at AWOL features: A 150-emails-a-minute spam storm


Well done Tenable for taking a program we pay for and making it completely useless to us.

The only way we use Nessus is via custom software and the API to extract the resulting scan information into a database which makes is useful to us to automate vulnerability fixes and quickly find which devices need the most work.

'Data is the new oil': F-Secure man on cartels, disinformation and IoT



Is Mikko Hypponen the misspelt brother of F1 driver Mika Häkkinen?

'Independent' gov law reviewer wants users preemptively identified before they're 'allowed' to use encryption


Because as we all know, it's impossible to send encrypted data across the internet without a social media/email account.

We'd need to verify our identity to open a TCP socket if it was left to these muppets.

VMware aims high with a little help from its friends



BYOWhat? Didn't that die out a while ago when businesses found out it wasn't going to save them any money after all..

Pubs good for the soul: Official


Re: Larger

Or it could be 'darn sarth' where even real ale has no head on it..

UK terror law probe stresses 'safeguards' amid MI5 plot claims


Wanting to make 'unbreakable' encryption illegal reminds me of the old Windows NT High Encryption warning that it was illegal to use the software outside of the US and Canada. As if international criminals/terrorists are going to follow that law and not use encryption, whilst simultaneously breaking a load of others is just plain stupid.

Another chance to win a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive


No! I asked for a meeting room with a spider PHONE