Gotta be Lucy but why no backronym?
36 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Aug 2015
From what I've heard the current system of VED bands is about to be scrapped anyway.
Self-regulation by the motor industry has failed, but as we've learned the NOx regulations were too strict and not achievable.
All car manufacturers will be implicated to a lesser or greater degree.
If the governments do what they should they will protect consumers - that's car buyers in this case - from the effects of this mess. But they'll probably protect the industry first. And naturally dodge any blame for failing to regulate effectively. And we'll end up paying more for the privilege of sitting in traffic jams.
Spitting at the audience was all the rage back in the late '70's.
I'm happy to agree that "The Wall" was a brave and very personal artwork that was perhaps difficult to listen to or watch, but for those very reasons was a whole lot better than the self indulgent tripe the rest of the band continued to trot out for decades.
"I can tell you that the experiment was pointless outright. YOU CANNOT MATURE A SPIRIT IN ZERO G. It is the same problem as using larger than 3l vessels in fake maturation. You need convection for the activated wood to pick up the "crap" out of the spirit and for the spirit to pick up the flavour and colour out of the wood. No convection will result in a fraction of the process happening in the boundary layer. Everything beyond that will remain unmatured crap."
That is the hypothesis they have been testing. What if it turns out better than expected?
The BBC is fantastic and a great institution but I am deeply concerned that they are increasingly taking over. Should the government own or sponsor the chief media channel, dominant arts distributor and principle news channel?
Just recently I was trying to catch up with what was going on with the Kids Company closure and suddenly became aware that I was soley relying on what the BBC was saying - and day after day this was clearly being influenced at the editorial level by government spin.
Oh I already embrace xubuntu on my regular use lappy. No its the old Win7 machine I need for processing my photos using Adobe Lightroom. I also need it for the Garmin map updater and a camera firmware updater software. These I still need, but I may ditch the Lightroom for whatever I can find as a free alternative, because while Lightroom is proper I loathe Adobe.
I for one have a five-year old Win7 machine - back then it was fairly powerful, these days its a bit of a slug. I dread having to replace it and may instead abandon the few software packages that only run on it - and going Linux/FOSS all the way.
Come to think of it - the same hardware will run the free software no problemo.