Here it is ... (in spanish, NSFW)
13 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jul 2007
Is it me or isn't Sage big enough?
They have so much of the British accounting and payroll software, that I feel it acts like the Microsoft of the SME finance department.
It aquired TAS Software a few years ago and it has basically got rid of it entireally making its customers to go to Sage.
//Will everyone who wants to drink more than 8 pints a week have to attend alcohol abuse workshops?//
They existed years ago in Finland when one bought over a certain amount of drink, they received infomation (whether they liked it or not) on the dangerous of drinking to excess.
I think it is a good idea on the licensing front, smoking-related diseases kills in the UK, 100 000 people. Now if that be put down by as many as a quarter, that is the size of a small market town.
The whole shebang of NBC's player is rather like the BBC's very own iPlayer.
Similarities are:
*the 7 day limit
*the possible use of Kontiki, so it can't be used on a Vista, OSX or a Linux computer
*Forced pieces, the BBC demands you watch the ident before the programme, with NBC, it is commericals
*Possible banning of those dirty foreigners from watching the programme.
The reason for the 74% mobile calls is because if one needs to call someone in the local city, it is cheaper to call using a mobile at around 8c per minute, then the local phone company at 12c connection fee and then 1c per minute. And one only has to think why Elisa and Finnet are in OM HEX.