Re: TPP's biggest problem was the secrecy under which it was developed
Except that is wasn't secret to the corporate interests in the US and even Canada. Each country had to bend over and take whatever the US wanted to give, as someone earlier indicated it was an export of US laws to rule the world. The complexity of the document and its required massive increase in bureaucracy is not about simplifying anything, it is about ruling the roost. E.gThe US retained the right to determine if country x's implementation was good enough, after the treaty was ratified!!! Talk about over ruling each and every government involved.
Items such a Notice and Takedown were acknowledge not to be effective and indeed subject to regular abuse. Canada's Notice and Notice system is even lauded by US media corps, but no one else can implement it if part of the TPP signatories. The side letters are amazing to read by themselves.
Frightening pos that should be binned.