* Posts by DafyddGrif

4 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Aug 2015

US warns Iranian terrorist crew broke into 'multiple' US water facilities


This information is a sad example of the lackadaisical attitude that has been and still is prevalent with utility companies in the USA, UK and most if not all of Europe. Back in 2009, a colleague of mine and I met with a scientist from EPRI in San Francisco. He confirmed then that there was no meaningful cyber security protection from power generation right through to the distribution network. As far as I am aware, little if anything had changed and this weakness across the water, gas and oil, electricity and most organizations is still evident. It can't be a lack of potential applications to combat exploits. It has to be a lack of action, effort and will on behalf of the management of these companies. Bombs and other destructive devices are no longer needed to paralyze a nation. Coordinated Zero Day attacks on all of them would bring any nation to its knees without a shot being fired. When will they learn? Perhaps we will hear this well-worn phrase after an attack "lessons must be learned" - but then it may be too late.

FAA to airlines: 5G-sensitive radio altimeters have to go


This is really silly. Just prevent people using 5G on flights. Simple.

Rock reboot and the Welsh windy wonder: Centre for Alternative Technology


Wow - no wonder we have an energy crisis. According to this article there is "an exercise bike where you can try to generate the 50kW needed to run a personal computer" I'm glad my personal computer doesn't demand 50kW to work, I would have to ask the power company to lay down some big pipes to feed my house....

Ofcom coverage map: 7/10 – must try harder next time


If the mobile phone companies spent a fraction of the money they waste on marketing to add new base stations (or high powered versions of Vodafone's SureSignal for example), the UK would benefit from good coverage. We have had mobile phone 'service' in this country since 1986 and it's still abysmal. Just go across the water to the Nordic region, France, Holland or Germany and you will see how much better service is. Simply put, the mobile phone companies in the UK don't give a damn about the subscribers - in the rural area service is a myth.