Re: Money for nothing, it's the best
Try Revolut. Disposable cards for online transactions work like a charm, even in the free version
16 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Aug 2015
Mine's an APC, about 18 years old, 800kVA, enough to still keep a modern PC and its monitor alive (thank god for LCDs) for several minutes and an comfortable orderly shutdown.
I've had to change batteries twice, at 8 and 16 years, 50 EUR a pop, but why change a good thing?
Takes bog standard house alarm batteries, can find them anywhere.
Only grudge is that APC dropped support for the serial interface very quickly (in the mid-late 2000s, I think it was with Win2K) so no supervision from the PC.
. . . in Banks that could be named "provincial" compared to the UK/Western Europe behemoths. Never seen such shambles. Now that I think of it, there was this project by Accenture in Greece in the late ninetys. They just could not finish the implementation of a new system called Altamira. Eventually the customer bank threw them out and took over code and all. Migrated successfully in a few months. System running happily until present with in-house staff and monthly development cycles.
The usual ignorance-driven simplistic comments for parts of the world we don't really know much about.
I've been to many a flea-market here in Romania where I live for the last 12 years and I can assure you all the porcelain is Becquerel free :-}
This is another wheel invented by Apple I guess. Probably nothing notable in the ios9 upgrade so they decided to advertise their truly ground-breaking ad-blocking features.
Been using happily Firefox and Adblock plus, then Adblock Edge, now uBlock Origin for several years. Very few adds make it through. Same on Android.