* Posts by hypnos

16 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Aug 2015

Defunct comms link connected to nothing at a fire station – for 15 years


Re: Money for nothing, it's the best

Try Revolut. Disposable cards for online transactions work like a charm, even in the free version

Matrix for the masses platform Element One goes live: $5 a month with WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram bridges


Re: Why?

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,

One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them...

Stuxnet sibling theory surges after Iran says nuke facility shut down by electrical fault


Dear Bibi, thanks for a job well done!

Can we now schedule that other Sultan wannabe with the Hitler mustache, Erdoğan? He is also building a series of reactors "just for energy use" with the help of the lifetime presidente of all our hearts, Volodia Putin.

Ship stranded in Suez Canal shifts, but not before spawning some choice tech memes


That's the Panama canal stoopid!

Finally, a wafer-thin server... Only a tiny little thin one. Oh all right. Just the one...


Mine's a very old APC also

Mine's an APC, about 18 years old, 800kVA, enough to still keep a modern PC and its monitor alive (thank god for LCDs) for several minutes and an comfortable orderly shutdown.

I've had to change batteries twice, at 8 and 16 years, 50 EUR a pop, but why change a good thing?

Takes bog standard house alarm batteries, can find them anywhere.

Only grudge is that APC dropped support for the serial interface very quickly (in the mid-late 2000s, I think it was with Win2K) so no supervision from the PC.

After 20-year battle, Channel island Sark finally earns the right to exist on the internet with its own top-level domain


Re: Internet of Shit

I bet it's a lovely fiscal paradise too. That's why it is better to have its own TLD, nést pas??

Mozilla says Firefox won't defang ad blockers – unlike a certain ad-giant browser


Re: Firefox developers see wide open goal

Anyway, I don't think that all of the 5% of Firefox users is actively blocking ads. More of a nuisance for add pedlers who are losing penies from us fanatics than for Google.

Divert the power to the shields. 'I'm givin' her all she's got, Captain!'


Re: The biodiesel had 'gone-off' ...

Seems that everyone I know and worked in an office has a story like this :-)

I still have the paper somewhere...

I feel a plead... a plead for speed: FastMail naps amid network blunder


Same here! Fastmail rocks and it deserves a day's rest in more than 10 years

I have been a happy customer of Fastmail for almost 11 years. It simply rocks. Since last year my son is also a customer in a family plan. Worth every penny!

America's forgotten space station and a mission tinged with urine, we salute you


Re: Lots to see here

I remember that a man in Philippines died of a heart attack from his anxiety that Skylab will fall on his head. And my dad's ( I was 9 at the time) cynical comment at the time: "... they'll just make sure it doesn't fall on American heads..."


The movie is good. I wonder how much of the last part drama was true and how much was invented for cinema. Good to see such movies made out of the USA.

TSB outage, day 5: What do you mean you can't log in? Our systems are up and running. Up and running, we say!


Have witnessed several bank migrations done by "offshore idiots". . .

. . . in Banks that could be named "provincial" compared to the UK/Western Europe behemoths. Never seen such shambles. Now that I think of it, there was this project by Accenture in Greece in the late ninetys. They just could not finish the implementation of a new system called Altamira. Eventually the customer bank threw them out and took over code and all. Migrated successfully in a few months. System running happily until present with in-house staff and monthly development cycles.

The Quantum of Firefox: Why is this one unlike any other Firefox?


Re: 30 per cent faster -- but square tabs?

Finally, no need to use the classic scheme. Good riddance to the stupid rounded tabs ;-)

€100 'typewriter' turns out to be €45,000 Enigma machine


Re: There is quite a bit of that floating around Eastern Europe

The usual ignorance-driven simplistic comments for parts of the world we don't really know much about.

I've been to many a flea-market here in Romania where I live for the last 12 years and I can assure you all the porcelain is Becquerel free :-}

Ad-blocking super-weapon axed by maker for being TOO effective


What's the fuss suddenly about adblocking?

This is another wheel invented by Apple I guess. Probably nothing notable in the ios9 upgrade so they decided to advertise their truly ground-breaking ad-blocking features.

Been using happily Firefox and Adblock plus, then Adblock Edge, now uBlock Origin for several years. Very few adds make it through. Same on Android.

Assessing the power of Intel’s SSD 750 … but check your motherboard before buying


Re: A Hard Disk - on a card?

ISA cards were for sissies!!

Real men had Big Sturdy MFM drives the like my first 20MB Seagate ST-225 back in '89 :-)
