Thanks for the links. OneDrive now working again on both my dual-boot laptops.
Normally boot into Linux Mint but occasionally have to do some O365 stuff for my employer!
W10 no way. When I can't use W7 any more it will be removed!
25 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Aug 2015
Exactly the same here in East Sussex. After much fanfare and hype, the council gave BT (no one else allowed to tender, obviously) £50M. A green box was erected less than 100m from the exchange so my copper line will be reduced from 2.5km to 2.4km if I choose to pay more. So I have given up ever getting more than 6Mb/s down which is better than some in my village.
What, and kill the cash cow? Copper land lines make a heap of money for BT. They are not going to drop that in a hurry.
Down here in Sussex I notice many properties far from civilization have fibre brought to a pole next to the house. Then at a small green box on the pole the signal is converted to copper for the last 50 metres or so. Why?
Not only MacOS. If you have an Android device, Google is always listening and the microphone cannot be switched off. See the comments here:
Other devices too.
Who would have thought that the population would not only invite mass surveillance devices into their homes but pay for then too!
100% CO2 but at an atmospheric pressure which we on earth would call a vacuum. And you forgot to mention the radiation (no shielding ozone layer or magnetic field).
Inhabitants will have to quickly dig tunnels and get underground and rarely comeback to the surface. Not my idea of fun!
The last paragraph is just plain wrong in every way. A typical case of a politician believing his own BS.
Hardly anyone has fibre. What he means is fibre to the cabinet, which may be miles away. This is only slightly better than fibre to the exchange which is what we all had before.
And as for 90% getting 24Mbs and 50% getting 100Mbs this is laughable.
Think Hull has the best outlook. Sounds like at least they are trying to do the job properly. Unlike BT's bodge it and run approach. Does KCOM in Hull get lots of government money to spend or do they finance it themselves?
I tell you: Microsoft is really scared at the thought of millions of schoolkids playing with Pi's running Linux.
It's a bit like the bad old days: Get a schoolkid interested in cigarettes and it will be smoking for life.
Are the latest Pi(s) being made more powerful so they can run Windows? Is Microsoft "helping" the Pi Foundation financially to enable this?
We can build nuclear subs. Just can't build anything useful.
On the subject of visiting nuclear sites: In the mid 80's I had a guided tour round Dungness Nuclear Power Station when they had an open day. Walked across the fueling floor, with tiles beneath my feet, directly above the reactor, while it was operating!
Also, must have been in the late 1960's when I was in the Boy Scouts, we went on a tour of Winthrith which was (is it still there?) an experimental nuclear research station in Dorset. We all got suited up and I was allowed to handle a piece of uranium. Shame kids miss out on all this now.
I'm still running my Nokia "feature phone". One day it wiil die and no more available. Then I'll be looking for a phone that does not spy on me.
A real open-source Linux phone would be great! Actually I'd love a Linux Mint tablet. Ubuntu OK. Looks like that might come soon. Had high hopes for the Jolla tablet. Paid my money. Seems that's not going to happen. I think they still make phones.
It is interesting to note that the FBI man knew it was a 30 character password.
Glenn had sent an email to an associate with an internet hyperlink to an article entitled 'FBI hackers fail to crack TrueCrypt.' In this case, the FBI did decrypt Glenn's hidden files containing the stolen classified materials.
is 30 characters. A bit of FBI guesswork?
I still trust TrueCrypt actually. My guess is that the developers stopping work on the project is a classic case of the canary singing.