* Posts by i steal your leccy

188 publicly visible posts • joined 4 Aug 2015


Apollo 15 commander's lunar timepiece goes under the hammer

i steal your leccy


imanidiot is right! You didn't think it through AC! How can it get contaminated with radiation if no one has actually walked on the moon?

You amateur:(

i steal your leccy

It would've been better if ..

one of the dials showed you what shape the moon was:)

GCHQ's exploding doughnut threatens to ooze into innocent field

i steal your leccy
Big Brother


They'll get their own way, i mean, just imagine the DIRT they've got on all the local councillors and officials at Cheltenham Borough Council...no clean hands anywhere, anymore.

GCHQ has got to go!

PIGS IN SPAAAACE: HAMS send porker to 25,927m

i steal your leccy
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First Photo..

Is now my new wallpaper

'We can handle politicos, OUR ISSUE IS JUDGES', shout GCHQ docs

i steal your leccy

QUESTION: If you were in charge of the country,

how would you (legally) set about dismantling GCHQ?

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg

i steal your leccy

Young Graduate rues his Student days when Wonga refuses his Online Loan application because of his involvement in the 'Overthrowing Of The Money Changers Tables', riots of 2011

i steal your leccy


Exclusive photo shows the seconds before a suspected ISIS radical was blown up by a US Drone strike!

i steal your leccy

The 'Bill Bailey' lookalike contest on Instagram gets an unexpected entrant!

i steal your leccy

<username required>..."Hmm...oh yeah!", S-P-A-W-N-O-F-S-A-T-A-N..."Wicked!"

i steal your leccy

"Daemon Tools??....that sounds like the Devil's work!"

i steal your leccy

"Ive played a Werewolf a Football Manager and Kenneth Williams, so i thought fuck it, why not?"

'Michael Sheen justifying his new role as Jesus Christ in The Expendables 4'

i steal your leccy


Exclusive: Sneak Preview of Aphex Twins new video!

i steal your leccy

"These Semi-Evolved Monkeys really love cat videos, don't they!"

i steal your leccy

"Do i want to take a survey?" <sigh>

i steal your leccy

NOOO, i DON'T want to install the ASK Toolbar!!"

i steal your leccy

"Lets see...dating sites, dating sites....i tell ya, i am NOT dying a Virgin for the third time in a row! No fuckin way Jose!"

i steal your leccy

"Lets see how many views i got of that 'Walking On Water' video i did."

i steal your leccy

"Robert Powell looks fuck all like me!"

i steal your leccy

"My mum needs some new jugs to hold water in, but this time she wants Really Large Ones.....hmm i wonder what i should type into the address bar?"

i steal your leccy

"Look!, i can make the blind see and the lame walk, but even i can't patch Adobe Flash Player!"

i steal your leccy

"Yes, i'm surprised i'm so White as well."

i steal your leccy

"After 2000 yrs the Middle East should've calmed down by now..........oh fuck!!!"

i steal your leccy

"No dad, i haven't put you in my Spam Folder."

i steal your leccy

"Fuck!!, some Twat on Twitter's just called my mum a Whore!!.....oh wait a minute..."

i steal your leccy

"Halo or Carpentry.....Halo it is."

i steal your leccy

"Minecraft is BRILLIANT!!"

i steal your leccy

"Noo, you take your robes off first, Cardinal."

i steal your leccy

"Hmm, do i want to open a Grinder Account??" <click Accept>

i steal your leccy

And...'unfriend' Richard Dawkins!

i steal your leccy

Jesus Titty-Fucking Christ, how many hard drives fell off the back of that lorry?

Get ready for a grim future where bees have shorter tongues

i steal your leccy


Mrs Bumblebee is going to bee very disappointed.

Devious Davros, tricksy Missy and Dalek Clara delight in The Witch's Familiar

i steal your leccy

First page, second photo: Is the Doctor saying....

"Right lads!, y'put y'left leg in, y'left leg out, in, out, in, out, y'shake it all about!"

'Steve Jobs filmmakers opportunistic? Apple, you've got a factory of children making phones'

i steal your leccy

'biopic of DEAD Steve Jobs'

That's going to be a really short film!

Bill Bailey: The man, the musician, the comic, the troll, the legend

i steal your leccy

Shame he never got that part in the Lord Of The Rings.

It don't get more Tolkienesque than Mr Bailey!

Blighty's GCHQ stashes away 50+ billion records a day on people. Just let that sink in

i steal your leccy

Hold A Happy Thought!

We can hope that the meals served in the canteen today contain Polonium:)

Don't upvote whatever you do:(

KARMA POLICE: GCHQ spooks spied on every web user ever

i steal your leccy

Re: Having given this a lot of thought, there is only one way to stop them!

Having read your comment, Bloakey 1, i think your strategy for dealing with the operatives at GCHQ is a much more balanced and coherent one than my woeful Knee-Jerk reaction...however, as for the Canteen Staff, they're still getting fucked!

i steal your leccy

Having given this a lot of thought, there is only one way to stop them!

We need to Fuck, everyone who works at GCHQ, to Death, that includes the Canteen Staff as well!

It worked for Mr Garrison, it can work for us!

WIN a 6TB Western Digital Black hard drive with El Reg

i steal your leccy

Wouldn't Put It Past Them.

Behind the scenes look at DARPA's new BCDS (Breast Cancer Delivery System)

i steal your leccy


"Yeah, its been tested to destruction...not in a laboratory...we gave it to Jo Brand to wear for a week, and as you can see it survived the ordeal intact!"

i steal your leccy

Glass Ceiling At The Reg

"Oh right! <giggle> i always thought the Brown Wire was Earth, cos its brown, like dirt innit?" ...shit, where'd i put me nail polish?

i steal your leccy

No Glass Ceiling At The Reg

"As you can see my prototype has been a complete success! It's like what i've been saying all these years... If you want something done right, call a woman!"

i steal your leccy

"Yeah, after extensive research from our focus groups, we've decided to call it The FITBITch".

i steal your leccy

"Get your chips out, get your chips out, get your chips out for the lads, GET YOUR CHIPS OUT FOR THE LADS!"

AWS outage knocks Amazon, Netflix, Tinder and IMDb in MEGA data collapse

i steal your leccy


Must remember to get a Cardboard Box tomorrow, looks like my pet Tortoise is getting ready to start Hibernating for the winter!

Huh? Cat-wees-like-a-racehorse study pees on fellow physicists to take Ig Nobel prize

i steal your leccy


I'm guessing A C, that you had your funny bone removed at the same time as your tonsils?
