* Posts by gbshore

52 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Jul 2015


Mike drop, DXC-ya later! Lawrie immediately ejects as CEO from IT outsourcing giant


Lol!!!!! What a joke... the plaudits and thank you’s and well wishes... sound like politicians trying to put lipstick on a pig... how these people can get up there and put out bullshit statements like that while EVERYONE knows it’s bullshit is laughable. Do they think ANYONE buys their bullshit? Only if you are an imbecile like them...

Trump blinks again in trade war bluff-fest with China: Huawei gets another 90-day stay of US import execution


Why a bunch of crap... no one blinked here MATE.... this delay was to give American companies time to adjust their supply and vendor change. It keeps getting harder trying to read this so slanted Euro view ... all this rag does is bash Trump, just like the Progressive Socialists here in the US... be less critical of what’s going on here... you have your own shit going on with Brexit etc....

Front-end dev cops to billing NSA $220,000 for hours he didn't work


Re: Scam undone by...

... conspiracy theory or not.... are you saying that what he and the Prime Contractor did was fine? How completely and utterly absurd.. what an ignorant comment

Tech jocks tell Trump: Tariff tiff with China will not achieve what you think it will achieve


“Alleged” trading practices by the Chinese??? The Register needs to do some simple research to know that there is nothing “alleged” about China’s overwhelming trade imbalance and protective practices when it comes to balance of trade. It IS real. As for Chip shortages, they have been happening for years before this Administration came into office. This is nothing more than big business whining about some short term issue that will benefit Americans in the long run. But as it usual, I am sure The Reg in its CLEAR Euro view, will bash Trumps approach. But his approach has been GREAT I’m terms of having balance of trade to mirror just that: BALANCED TRADE and access to markets for America.

Get this: Mad King Leo wanted HP to slurp two other firms alongside ill-fated Autonomy buyout


Re: Thumbs up for Lesjak then..

...... or perhaps the strategy was to pivot away from a low margin, commodity based hardware business... Now, if you want to talk about execution, that is another thing. I have issue with thisnportrayal of Leo as some kind of humbling idiot... he was an accomplished Exec before he went to HP. His vision and strategy was not allowed to proceed so we will never know. I can tell you all as a former HP employee, Meg was NOT a great Exec at all. She had no strategy... we were constantly pivoting... my customers constantly asked me what the vision of the company was.... we would explain it... then Meg would change direction every 6 months. Her focus was on stock price PERIOD... she was bar far IMHO , far worse than Leo...

IT pro screwed out of unused vacation pay, bonus by HPE after judge rules: The law is a mess but it's still the law


Re: Bar Stewards

Uhhhhhh if HP was not split when he signed how could it state the HPE entity...??? Lol

Finally, people who actually understand global trade to probe Trump's tariffs on Chinese goods


LOL !!!! comments made from people who benefit from the good we do. Maybe today, of all days, you should just thank the U.S. for what we did today (with our close Allies) to make even posting here possible. But, if you think that three people from those Countries in South America are the ultimate arbiters, LOL !!!!.... Take a look at the trade imbalances we have...it is ABSURD....past President's for the U.S. made these preposterous agreements for reason of power and political influence... not for our well being. EVERY Country should negotiate FAIR and BALANCED trade agreement...CLEARLY, the imbalance between US and China is ridiculously one sided...so what, we should do nothing??? As my Brit friends say, PISS OFF !!!!!!!


Re: Looking through the wrong end of the telescope

LOL !!! Really??? Maybe you just don't understand simple economics and balance of trade... wow...

Former HP CEO Léo Apotheker tells court he didn't read Autonomy's latest accounts before fated $11bn buyout


Bad CEO's

What a shame....HP taken down by two CEO's who were incompetent and only cared about personal wealth and wealth of shareholders...that's all ANY of this is about. Leo had a vision to transform HP into an more nimble information type provider with software at it's core, much like how EMC pivoted from pure storage to an information company. He was weak in that he didn't take more of a personal role and left the review of the acquisition to his lieutenants....

As for Meg, we all know and saw her legacy...it was ALL about the stock price and numbers for her...a rudderless ship in terms of mission statement and direction....I can't tell you how many of my customers asked me what our direction was because they could not tell what Meg was trying to do...

HP deployed 'Truth Squad' in post-Autonomy PR blitz to defend Meg Whitman


I cannot believe some of the absurd and ridiculous comments on here... try to learn and understand something before you make absurd comparisons that have no relation to what’s going on... you show your lack of base intelligence.


Re: From the inset panel:

Ok... no software company worth $11m? Now you sound like an idiot....

HP crashed Autonomy because US tech titan's top brass 'lost their nerve', says lawyer for ex-CEO Mike Lynch


HP and The Meg didn’t believe in Leo’s vision of transforming HP into a Software focused business. Leo was a Software guy and his vision was that a hardware business, especially what HP manufactured, was a VERY low margin business and could not grow at scale. Core HP folks, some Board members and die hards thought it blasphemy to make such a huge pivot from HPs historical roots. So, they forced Leo out and came up with this BS scheme. Does ANYONE with half a brain think that a huge company like HP and their auditors missed something like this??? It’s absurd to think that .... if you do, I have a bridge to sell you... BTW, I was there for all this.... I can confirm all the internal chatter and the directives on why to say to our customers and how to spin it..... it caused a huge pause on the part of my clients as they didn’t know what all this meant to them... it was HORRENDOUS... and The Meg was HORRIBLE thru it all... she came to NY several times and it wasn’t uncommon to hear her yelling at people including the dressing down of several of my peers... WORST EXECUTIVE EVER!!!

Autonomy trial judge gets SaaSy with HPE's lawyer over vital accounts fraud claim



Bravo on this comment!!! Not sure why Meg received such high praise. As a former employee

of 5 years, her strategy was never clear except confusion. What was clear was that EVERY move she made was about maximizing share price, which aligned to her pay and bonuses. IMHO, she was a horrible Executive and was all about the share price. Never got the feeling she cared much for customer success, despite her claims....

3 is the magic number for HPE execs hopping over to AWS recently


Re: Empty

Always been that way at HP...

New claim dogs Oracle: After $11m of sales, I was unfairly axed before next big deal – because I am a 64yo woman


Re: Only 11 Million?


You needed to post was your last sentence. The rest is conjecture and comparing your quota versus an Oracle rep in a specific division is meaningless. Saying a senior rep would have brought in more is absurd as well. You are basically slamming her saying she is a bad rep and intimating tounare a good rep but the reason you were sacked is because of bad tactics by IBM. Why is it that Oracle isn’t wromgnin your mind? VERY bizarre and narcissistic post on your part...


Re: Hmm

How irresponsible... do you KNOW what quotas were/are? You DONT knownfor a fact what their quotas were do you? So just because you THINK you know why their quotas are you are skeptical? That is something that is BERY easy for the court to determine... just because you think it is lownismof NO consequence whatsoever....

Former DXC Technology veep accuses 'toxic' CEO Lawrie of bullying staff in lawsuit


Bad Leadership

I am SOOOO glad I am nearing the end of my career. The countless times you have to keep your mouth shut because you have bills to pay, young kids, trying to save for their education etc. Bosses who when elevated thonk they know it all amd treat their subordinates like crap... even when it is clear they have no idea.

I was recently at a startup in the IT Ops space... good CEO and my Manager who hired me, VP of Sales and real good guy. For some reason, CEO brings in an former EMC hack with an attitude who didn’t even know our space. For some reason, he had it in for me AMD my boss. Shoved my manager to side and starts to peck at me. We went into a meeting with an EVP who was being considered for a global CIO position at a Big 4 firm. This new guy in first three minutes asks thee giynif we have a deal... my CEO was floored... the client was floored. I asked my CEO if I could step in... I was able to pull us out of the abyss. But it was never the same. This JERK arrived to make it seem like the right thing to do. I had and have ZERO respect for this jerk. So as a former manager once told me, you either accept what it is or you can always look elsewhere. I found a great position but still wished I could have continued. I had a 45 minute talk with the CEO because he didn’t want me to leave. I explained very professionally why I was leaving. I told him that he saw who he hired in that meeting. I said TOU hired me but you let this guy push me away. I wished him success and said I would always support and advocate for them because I believe in what they are doing. I said I just wish this guy doesn’t set you back.

Moral of the story? There are JERKS everywhere. But, we have choices as well... sometimes it works out sometimes not. I now have a manahernthat is one of the three best I’ve had in my 35 year career. It always works out....


Re: Hilton to DXC: "You screwed me!!!!!"

Sets say he stands up to Lawrie... he gets canned. Do you think you’d still have your job ??? I don’t think so....


Re: Quelle surprsie

I disagree ... he was supposed to know at that BERY moment that the guy is a complete loon??? Please...

Should the super-rich pay 70% tax rate above $10m? Here's Michael Dell's hot take for Davos


Glad you are ok but there are PLENTY of examples of the British system not working... actually your story is the minority ...sonome can see why YOU think it’s fine... it’s not... US system takes care of Asll... even those who can’t afford to pay... BY LAW...

Mark Zuckerberg did everything in his power to avoid Facebook becoming the next MySpace – but forgot one crucial detail…


“The President of the United States lies with impunity “... WTF does that mean??? First it is unfounded... getting tired of this rag inserting itself and taking shots at MY President. I just spent a week in London... you folks have your own problems... also watched House of Commons debate last week. They waynyou all speak to each other is interesting. I think you are the last to take pot shots at our President... worry about your own Country, politics and problems... adios Register ... what a bunch of ASSWIPES...

Oracle sued by app sales rep: I made tens of millions for Larry, then fired for being neither young nor male – claim


Re: We only have her word for it

Did you not read the article? She’s hitting her numbers... no warnings or negative performance reviews ....go back, read and comprehend ...


Re: @AC


Supreme Court raises eyebrows at Google's cozy $8.5m legal deal


What’s with the potshot at Justice Kavanaugh? “Credibly accused.... lied...” what does what occurred have to do with this? It has nothing to do with it... would El Reg not be fair and make the same comment about Justice Thomas???? Stop being so Left leaning in your articles... it was a CHEAP shot and had NO PLACE in the article. Lastly, the accusations were NOT CREDIBLE AMD MO EVIDENCE WAS FOUND... I may have to jettison reading this RAG if it can’t be non political....

DXC axes Americas boss amid latest deck chair musical


Re: Career damaging

Well jeez... how short sighted is that of the company looking to fill the position? So because someone in the trenches finds themselves working for DXC, they themselves are toxic because their management wreaks? That is absolutely absurd.... It’s one thing for senior management ... that would be valid.... but from a line worker??? Frankly , I wouldn’t want to work for the company who made that comment... they appear to be as bad as DXC leadership ...

Want some of that sweet government contract money? Obama's CIO gives tips to land deals with Uncle Sam


If you want to ensure you as an entity are making the right decision, you need to invest time up front to provide a vendor/consultant access to your people up front so they can understand what the requirements are, what your goals, objectives and expected outcomes are. Over my 3 decade career, I would say clients provide nowhere near the access and information up front so we can provide the path forward. Absent of that, we are left to explain what we have done with other customers that may have little to no applicability to their particular needs. From the vendor/consulting side of the business, I have been in too many meetings where we have not had proper access and when we query, the client seems to be annoyed. There is no osmosis... you want an implementation plan and path forward, invest time up front to give the vendor a consultant a chance....

Screwed SAP salesman scores $660,000 jury award


Jealousy doesn’t look good on you... all because you don’t have what it takes to step into the arena and succeed... how’s that for emotion mate???

Yada yada, take my money: Firms do not scrutinise software support spend – report


Business Value Ecosystem

Technology in and of itself without understanding how technology maps to business value and outcomes, is a commodity and a line item cost. ITAM as a tracker of assets does not address business value and aligning with corporate goals. Technology Business Management (TBM) is an approach that allows companies to align IT spend and investments to where they should invest based on business priorities. Software Maintenance and Support is just a single component of understanding how you run and manage the business of IT. This gets businesses away from a simple cost discussion into a strategic one, whereby, C Suite, Finance, IT and the Lines of Business can work together to make the best value based decisions for the company as a whole.

VMware 'pressured' hotel to shut down tech event close to VMworld, IGEL sues resort giant


This is absolutely unacceptable. This show of be made right and it should be done in public and not behind closed doors...

Now DXC yourself to the door: Another exec exits outsourcing giant


Re: re: get a job

No future in IT?? That is absurd. Let’s not confuse the need for specific expertise in areas of Cloud and Converged Infrastructure. Becoming a SME in growth areas of IT makes you invaluable. So, yes you may go work for a company which then Outsources. That is different than no future in IT. That is a business model. Also, not every company is going to outsource. I’ve worked to support outsourcers as well as with companies who utilize them. No company if any size and complexity will put all their IT in someone else’s hands and will keep specific functions within.

ServiceNow goes for more Now, a bit less Service



Since SNOW is SOOOO very prevalent, I am wondering why all the comments are so negative here... how can a platform that has been so successful and widely adopted be so bad? Either all these orgs have been hoodwinked by salespeople (doubtful) or all the negative posters have some kind of ax to grind ... just a thought.... lol

HPE swallows cloud consultancy RedPixie


Re: deja vu?

Uhhhh... different kind of Consulting expertise... Cloud is what it is about today in a Hybrid world... the Consulting that was jettisoned was of a different nature...perhaps you should understand what was jettisoned and what was acquired but more importantly why. BTW I am ex HP and have notbone Pom Pom....

The new Black: Western Dig doubles capacity on slimmed-down flasher


Re: Controller?

They acquired a startup called Skyera that’s really the engine behind this...they didn’t develop it.

Prez Trump's $60bn China tariff plan to hit tech, communications, aerospace industries


Re: What Trump wants…

Lol!!!! John Bolton is respected worldwide you moron...


Re: It's almost too late

EXACTLY!!! Great response to people who don’t have a clue


Re: It's almost too late

Perhaps Geoffrey you have not been paying attention to what has been going on and the facts around me trade imbalances and extremely totem deals our former “leaders” have done that has led to closing of industries , outsourcing of jobs etc. Thoughtfulness? What are you looking at? When you go shopped my I suppose you look for the most expensive item to buy... I suppose if you get sacked, that’s ok .... your comments are absurd...

Beware the looming Google Chrome HTTPS certificate apocalypse!


Time to start to move back to IE... BUT, there was a reason why I moved from the to begin with.... Firefox???

Newsflash! Faking it until you make it is illegal in Silicon Valley: Biz boss pleads guilty


Re: Genuinely surprised

Ah yes the anti US rhetoric... yes .. all US companies screw people over... how are ridiculous comments like this made or allowed? SMH...

FBI slams secret Nunes memo alleging Feds spied on Team Trump for political reasons


Re: Why I quit reading your article

Memo is NOT speculation... where do you people get your info????


Re: Why I quit reading your article

Worry about your own leadership. I am friends with several Brits and they don’t seem too happy with your mayor in London nor your PM... glass houses pal....


Re: Why I quit reading your article

Quite the cday Tracy sir.. we the people DO want to see and for me, I’d say same if it was Tep. I personally am an Independent so any impropriety for me is wrong no matter what side of the aisle you sit.


Re: Why I quit reading your article

Was with you until you said should not be released... WHY? We are in crisis... keeping a lid on corruption at the highest levels would simply allow it to perpetuate. We are in crisi of confidence in the truthfulness of our government and it needs to be exposed and include BOTH parties if Ned be. Otherwise, the PEOPLE will have MO confidence OUR rights mean anything. The Seamp in DC today is DISGUSTING


Re: LOL!

CLEARLY, you are not well read in terms of the decades of Clinton shenanigans... if you think the Server, Benghazi etc are fantasy you are ignorant sir/madam...


Re: Yeah, but..

... and the Dems, Hillary and the rest aren’t self serving? Lol

Eggheads: Cities, don't woo rich Amazon with sweetheart HQ deals



Speaking as a resident of one of the most highly taxed States (NJ) the tax abatement are in the form of Property Taxes. In my town several years ago, we had a spate of building and both Home Depot and Walmart came into town. The portion of abatement we gave a break on were the TOWN PORTION of property taxes. Even if fully taxed, it only account for ~$20k per year.... hardly a Kong’s ransom. I see MANY of my local neighbors working in Jesé places. Also, both entities have contributed MUCH more than what they would have paid in the form of donations... having built/improved our parks and donations made to many worthy causes that benefit everyone in our town. So, depending on what is given to Amazon, I am sure their community investment AND the jobs it will bring FAR outweigh the concessions given. That is based on my direct experience in my town.

IT buyer? Had enough of pesky resellers cold calling? You aren't alone



So in this new digital, self service based economy, I am interested to hear as to how those orgs who only want help when they need and want help, how are the Service providers pay bill and remain a viable entity while they sit and wait for the phone to ring? I agree calls can be annoying at times. However, the person in the other end is trying to earn a living and they just may have some information that you have no idea about. This article assumes that the buyer knows EVERYTHING. Sorry, they do not. Sales people add value. Some don’t but this vilification of sales folks is repulsive to me.

Read IBM CEO Ginni Rometty's letter to staff: Why I walked from Trump's strategy forum


Hey Forum, "worryingly tepid response" from Trump? You are nothing more now than the mainstream media.... go back and review the interviews of Trump even before he became President. His response was welcomed by the mother of he woman killed. Stick to FACTS and not political bs....

Ego stroking, effusive praise and promise of billions: White House tech meeting in full


Not understanding the meaning of information being in corporations hands. We are talkin about infrastructure and software to manage and automate.... modernization. Is your suggestion government create the infrastructure to use and modernize? Your statement and assertion makes no sense...

HPE to staff: 'We are permanently clipping your costs'


Unbelievable. There really was s no more fat to cut... amazing that the current leadership gets a pass on their what looks to be failed strategy. They are now starting to cut bone all in an attempt to keep margins. Punishing your customer facing resources with few creature comforts while traveling all week away from their families is short sighted. It shows that you really don't value your employees and it is only a matter of time when people including the best of the best decide to leave... but hey... Meg will still have her golden parachute as well as other "key" executives.... VERY short sighted and proves that leadership is only about the strategy and that employees are just not that important to her/them.

HPE dumps Grandpa Software in Micro Focus care home, hightails it


Re: Expensive fumigation

...Pretty unfair to castigate Leo .....his vision was a more software centric organization as opposed to commoditized hardware....what makes Meg's strategy brilliant? Two completely different philosophies and approaches...if you take the time to look at what is even driving the efficiency gains in h/w centric business it is software....so who will eventually be correct? too early to tell, but my bet is software....
