* Posts by Darkstar01

3 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jul 2015

Ding-dong, reality calling: iPhone slump is not Apple's doom


Re: Can't come too soon

Agreed, they are criminals for using slave labor in this modern day(They also use child labor in china)... people still buy their shitty overpriced crap... shame on you Apple people... this is not what they meant by Think Differently.


Apple is destined to fail due to Karmic backlash from using Slave labor...

Apple has been destined to fail due its use of slave labor in China... eventually they will go bankrupt and we will be left with only windows and Linux... thank GOD. Apple deserves this for their scummy business practices.

Windows 10 in head-on crash with Nvidia drivers as world watches launch


How to RESOLVE the crashing issue.

This has been resolved, why all the negativity? ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy?

Nvidia released 353.62 this morning which resolves the issue, if you have half a brain you can easily uninstall the corrupt driver using safe-mode I believe there is a key combo you can use to boot directly to safe-mode. Uninstall the old driver, install the freshly downloaded 353.62 and viola!, make sure you turn on shader cache, you can also reroute shader cache to a SSD drive using directory redirect, it's a neat trick I found to get a few extra FPS out of games or to improve performance while rendering scenes in solidworks or autocad.