* Posts by Iain Cognito

16 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jul 2015

Digital doping might make you a Tour de Virtual cycling champion

Iain Cognito

Dear cyclist

Nobodys interested. Kindly do one.

Dell, Google dangle Chromebooks over IT bosses sick of Windows

Iain Cognito

Have to reiterate, the point is the Chromebook pretty much looks after itself. The wintel Ultrabook needs a lot of support.

All Google needs to put in place is a cloudy Exchange/Outlook replacement.

CAUGHT: Lenovo crams unremovable crapware into Windows laptops – by hiding it in the BIOS

Iain Cognito

Re: If enough care...

Unfortunately many, many organizations are addicted to MS Exchange and Outlook. There are some brave ones that try to go the FOSS route. Notably some local authorities. But you can bet their users gripe continuously about not being able to use "that e-mail program".

Illinois man steals vibrator, strips naked, attacks Obama

Iain Cognito

No, you're the criminal ...

Yeah either he was holding "metal air drive pipe" or drugs paraphenalia, but not both.

BTW I have done a Google image search for "metal air drive pipe" and apart from what appears to be a jet engine I can't see anything there that could be used in such a manner. Unless things have moved on a bit since I was a teen. Cough.

Aussie bloaters gorging on junk food 'each and every day'

Iain Cognito

What are these "bloaters" when the standard El Reg terminology is "swingbellies".

Audi RS3: Keep running up that hill, with no problems

Iain Cognito

Re: Buy a car not a Golf

Are you serious and are you referring to a BMW 335i?

Virtually no one is using Apple Music even though it is utterly free

Iain Cognito

Re: No thanks

Mine are interspersed with singing exercises and German lessons

Iain Cognito

Mystifies me how anyone ever put up with what Apple have done to music,

Blighty a 'smartphone society' amid rise of 4G middle class

Iain Cognito

That's not my laptop ....

Nearby exoplanets circle naked-eye-visible star

Iain Cognito

They switch off our streetlights between certain hours and the proper dark is very welcome indeed.

Note to potential star gazers: That W-shaped constellation (Casio-pier) can be used to locate Andromeda. In a properly dark place you can just about see the dim smudge of light if you know where to look. But what's really impressive is when you find out that the bit you can see is only the central bright part. Then you realize the whole galaxy is just flippin' huge.

It's Suntory time: Japanese whisky to be distilled in SPAAAAACE

Iain Cognito

Next up - whalemeat.

Axis of evil: Facebook uses Google code to slash page load times

Iain Cognito


Microsoft Edge web browser: A well-presented mea culpa

Iain Cognito

Microsoft bring you "MS Chromeish" with single OS support (Win-10) and Bing instead of Google.

Download Fest goers were human guinea pigs in spy tech experiment, admit police

Iain Cognito

They HATE it when you take their picture.

One day the massively eroded trust between the plod and public will cost us all dearly.

China announces petascale super for FAST radiotelescope

Iain Cognito

That is tremendous

Let's all binge on Blake’s 7 and help save the BBC ... from itself

Iain Cognito

Blake's 7

My mum used to work for the BBC. The Blake's 7 lettering was her original artwork.