* Posts by hailbaal

6 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2015

Gone in 70 seconds: Holding Enter key can smash through defense


Well, no it's not a myth. I'm not even sure this is a bug. You can log in in single user mode in most distributions, that's why they offer drive encryption. The attacker that has physical access still can't do anything (as in, can't grab files) if the drive is encrypted. The attacker can do harm to the installation, but that's it. Everything else is still secure. The attacker has physical access and might as well grab the drive and attach it to a USB to SATA converter. Does pretty much the same thing.

Want to spy on the boss? Try this phone-mast-in-an-HP printer


Absolutely spot on. Couldn't have said it any better

Kaspersky so very sorry after suggesting its antivirus will get you laid


oh no

Wow how offensive. Oh wait. Really? Is that offensive? How? Then aren't those half naked men I see on advertisements around my country offensive as well? Should I start complaining about that now? I mean, everyone is equal right? People are way to easily offended these days.

Linux-fight! Dev's plan to bundle kernel patches sparks debate


Please stop reading their mailing list

You are reading the Kernel mailing list. Do you know why those debates get so heated? Why Linus is shouting at people and calling names? Because they only do that to the people they know in real life. If I was a friend of Linus he would be say my code is bad and I should feel bad and I couldn't be upset because he is my friend. Same thing for the rest of these conversations. There is absolutely no reason at all why "The Register" which is a bit like the funny pages of the IT news, should look at that mailing list. Yes, it's open, yes, everyone can read it, but you shouldn't grab some e-mails about people who really want to improve something and send that to their friends and make an article about it. It's a terrible thing to do and far from news worthy. This has no impact on the IT world, has no impact on the Linux Kernel project, no impact on anyone involved, yet you make a news article, just to attract some viewers. I came here because of another RSS feed that pointed me here.

Smuggle mischievous JavaScript into WinRAR archives? Sure, why not


It's free, it's faster, it offers more features, it's better to look at and it's opensource. Can't beat that!

Pakistan bans BlackBerry Enterprise Server


Re: Ah, yes!

Yeah that is a big problem. I know the US has the same situation. It doesn't even matter what politician rules that country, they keep getting their rights removed. The same problem occurs in Europe as well. In the end, 1984 won't be a work of fiction but a history book.