* Posts by Jorge Olguin Avalos

7 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Jul 2007

'Extreme porn' law could criminalise millions

Jorge Olguin Avalos

I'm about to be imprisioned because of my photos of me...

I have a photo of me taken 39 years ago, i had some 1 or two weeks of age, and was on bath by mom, and my father took the picture... I guees it's extreme porn in voge... so, I better settle some bussiness before going to jail, as this is how it's getting all this situation...

On the other hand, I better call my lawyer, as it were some coercion on my acts, I swear good I didn't wanted to bath that day!!

Dutch tax office deletes 730,000 tax returns

Jorge Olguin Avalos
Gates Horns

Err.. some missreporting?

Who do I have to suit? The info was not erased... It was re-reouted to my inbox.. and now is about to overrun... I can't send any more emails!!!! damnit.. I'm lost!!! how could I survive in this modern world? and you tought you have troubles!!! Imagine... me with my email box fullfilled!!!! Help!!! any hacker would tell me how to get ride of this usefull information????!!!

ps. just being ironic

Man stumps record £375k for number plate

Jorge Olguin Avalos
Gates Halo

That kind of money here in south america...

would get you kidnapped in 2 hours. So if the question is if it's too much money, it's just a relativy question.. in some countries, a lot of people would eat from that money, in other countries would get you killed and in some countries just one person reaches his dreams... so it depends enterily in wich place you are standing on... I think it doesn't woth the talking...

(by the way.. I vote for the Darwin awards. It would be grat have such awards.)

Greetings, see you later as I have to go to kidnap a bartender.. I need 10 usd... and if I see mr. Pancho, here in town, I kill him... that will get me 15 usd...

Poisoned MySpace page masquerades as Windows Update

Jorge Olguin Avalos
Gates Halo

That's why I don't connect to internet...

Situation like this... watching someone else profile, and chances to get infected.. are the main reason I don't connect to internet...

So if you want to be protected like me... don't connect to internet.. like me at this moment... you newbies...

Network Solutions games net domain biz

Jorge Olguin Avalos

"Front-run"? what about "I've runned out everyone else"

It's been pointed right above...

The name is taken so no OTHER registrar can take the name before you... another user still would be able to purchase the name that you just checked minutes ago... if the other user finds the name (the same) pre-registered, then it will be very clear that the name he is after, has been checked in the last 4 days too, so perhaps leaving the first user "behind the race".

I can imaging the real state companies, prepurchasing the houses they are just showing of... on the other side... the good'ol grocery store in the corner, still have to purchase the grocery up front so then he can re-sell it... oh God.... I Love This Game

Will VMware's sales double forever?

Jorge Olguin Avalos

Once again?

I remember a niche product, that also had outrageous product and sales (well, back then there were about 1/10th of the current users).

(tatata... drums please) Lantastic!!!!!

Once we remember things... we know what will happen to vmware.. really soon..

NASA: Space station computer sabotaged

Jorge Olguin Avalos

It is becoming the everyday kind of situations...

Little by Little, it is like the movies (like the one with uma thurman, I don't remember the english name, as the spanish name won't do any help). the space travel is becoming a every day situation, like the cars today... you read in the newspapers every day about drunk drivers, you see that nasty folks that throw cans out of the windows(lately was a news about throwing something out of a spaceship), you see broken cars on the side of highways(this news), bedroom troubles originated on the ships... what's next? tokio drift on the sky? spaceships that run out of gas just to flirt with the blonde? "Cheaters" on the ships? Hope we live to see...