Re: Cable?
A bit over a year ago I called BT about a replacement router, as my existing one was a bit archaic. They offered me a fibre package (FTTC, not FTTP) at a cheaper rate than my current broadband package, and I accepted their offer. So a couple of weeks later they switched the congig at teh exchange to use FTTC. No connection was possible. I called them. After several days, an engineer arrived to llok at the problem. He could find nothing wrong at my end, so went of to check at the cabinet. Quite quickly he came back to me to explain that the reason I couldn't get a connetcion was that the cabinet had no fibre connection to the exchange. He also told me that this was a common problem, that BT commonly updated its data to say the various cabinets now had FTTC capability but every time the updates included some cabinets where the work had been reported by the subcontractor as completed but in fact had not even been started, and that BT nmade no atempt at all to check that the completion reports were valid. That struck me as sheer incompetence on BT's part.
I called BT to point out that the cabinet had no fibre connection and it took some time to get it through their heads that this had been reported by their own engineer and wasn't some weird dream of mine. They then told me it would take a week for them to switch me back to non-fibre connection, and I couldn't get that person to budge on that, so I demanded to talk to someone with authority to do something other than recite standard scripts, threatening a formal written complaint to BT which would include a statement that through the incompetence of their operative to whom I was talking I had found it necessary to make a formal written complaint to OFCOM, which suddenly changed the timescale to it would be fixed within one working day. The next problem was that the contract I had been on previously was no longer offered, it was only allowed to continue to next renewal date and as I had cancelled my non-fibre contract I had to pick one of teh ne ones - which cost more than the old one but delivered less time diuring which calls were free. Much complaining got me nowhere.
BT are just plain incompetent, they apparently can't be bothered to ensure that their records of what infrastructutre is actually installed and available for use are accurate, and since everyone else providing service around here simply uses BT's infrastructure it's clear that they too can't provide FTTC here, and won't be able to until BT actually provides a fibre connection between the exchange and the cabinet for this area, and I suspect they still believe they already have it.