* Posts by EH

22 publicly visible posts • joined 22 Jul 2015

Google Gemini 2.0 Flash comes out with real-time conversation, image analysis


Re: The reliability problem is complex.

It's Marcellus and it's not gold in the case, it's Marcellus' ......

China's homebrew Bluetooth alternative is on the march as Beijing pushes universal remotes


They don't care what you say at home (I don't think). But if they're able to distribute listening devices to a majority of households in China, that's spying on anti-communist citizens sorted out. If they're able to distribute in the west they'll get the opportunity to listen to civil servants, CEOs, politicians etc etc in their homes.

It's not rocket science - they're actively not on the same side as as the West.

Ford CEO admits he drives a Chinese electric vehicle and doesn't want to give it up


Re: :)

I just bought a Skoda Enyaq and VW do insurance for it. Simliar cost c. 1k. It's my first EV and I love it, albeit it's a little smaller than the last car (Kodiaq).

MI6, CIA using generative AI to combat tech-driven enemies


Re: And there it is .... the Enigmatic Manic Problem not solved feeding an expanding vulnerability

@ the down voters - don't downvote our wonderful amanfrommars(1) - it's been active in our forum longer than chatgpt

Cloudflare defends firing of staffer for reasons HR could not explain


"HR plan: hire 10 salespeople and after 3 months fire the bottom 7 performers. Rinse and repeat."

Friend of mine recently did a stint in tech sales for a Californian start-up. Pretty much they tinned 50% after 6 months. Arranged for shiny macbook + iphone + monitor to be picked up. Presumably to be recycled to the next lucky victims.

Square Kilometre Array Observatory construction commences


Re: Indigenous land

It's Mabo....it's the vibe

Microsoft warns Windows 10 patch broke printing for some


Re: Should try using your remote control to print

Same. My iPhone is the most reliable way to print at home. I don’t have the time or the will to set up a print server at home and maintain all the family’s laptops, so when their printing inevitably fails I tell them to use their phones too. The kids like to play games so moving them all to MacBooks probably not an option (and not cheap)

Does the boss want those 2 hours of your free time back? A study says fighting through crowds to office each day hurts productivity


Re: “I hate my job”

You only need 1 month's earnings saved, to allow for the delay in payment of first invoice. After that, if you're good enough, you're sorted. You won't regret it.

That said, I'm a permie again, after 20 years freelancing.

It's National Cream Tea Day and this time we end the age-old debate once and for all: How do you eat yours?


Re: I solved this when I was eight

...Town or Gown? A man of some renown, he frowned.

UK COVID-19 contact-tracing app data may be kept for 'research' after crisis ends, MPs told


Incredibly counter-productive decision

What do they think people will assume, when they learn that this untrustworthy government have turned their backs on the decentralised model? This app is dead in the water. So, so foolish.

Time to svn commit like it's the year 2000: Apache celebrates 20 years of Subversion


Yep, merge much improved

Merge seems pretty flawless to me, these days. I remember it being a lot more problematic, historically. Granted we're a small shop, and I do wish we had a bit more love in visual studio, but that aside it's solid.

You're not Boeing to believe this: Yet another show-stopping software bug found in ill-fated 737 Max airplanes


Ozymandias, of course.

AWS celebrates Labor Day weekend by roasting customer data in US-East-1 BBQ


Re: Idiots!

r/woosh ?

GIMP open source image editor forked to fix 'problematic' name


Re: Eh?

I'd thought a character in Blazing Saddles? 'Mongo strong.'

DeepNude deep-nuked: AI photo app stripped clothes from women to render them naked. Now, it's stripped from web


Re: Time passes...

Bullying is not cool.

Iranian-backed hackers ransacked Citrix, swiped 6TB+ of emails, docs, secrets, claims cyber-biz


Re: Ah...those naughty Iranians...how dare they!

The elections are not free - they have to be bought.


Re: Sensitive Data


A certain millennial turned 30 recently: Welcome to middle age, Microsoft Excel v2


Re: 30 years on...

View->New Window

Prosecute driverless car devs for software snafus, say Brit cyclists


Re: While were at it....

and why not the pedestrians then, while you're at it? They use the road when they cross it. What if they cross in front of your car and cause damage to it as you hit them?

Android slingers tout mobes with customized baked-in big-biz configs


Re: Can we eliminate operator cruft this way ?

My pixel has wifi calling

Non-doms pay 10 times more in income tax than average taxpayer group


Re: Pretty meaningless metric

let the non-doms leave. what have they really contributed? rampant house-price inflation, gold tracksuits, super yachts clogging up the Isle of Dogs, John Terry being paid?

Arctic ice returns to 1980s levels of cap cover


Re: No
