* Posts by Herzo

1 publicly visible post • joined 22 Jul 2015

GOOGLE GMAIL ATE MY LINUX: Gobbled email enrages Torvalds


Checkout Geobytes' Message Keys technology

Ask Google what their "Lost Message Rate" is, as opposed to their "False Positive Rate".

The "Lost Message Rate" tells you what proportion of non-spam messages are being gobbled up by the spam filter. While on the other hand, the "False Positive Rate" is more of a reflection of the amount of spam you are getting - as the more spam you get, the better the "False Positive Rate" gets - even thought you may be loosing the same number of non-spam messages.

In any case, fortunately it is easily fixed. Just in a key in your email address itself - which might look something like this:

"John Smith -12345" <joHN.SmiTH -12345@eXamPLE.Com>

OK - Google currently won't let you do this, but that is another issue.

More here: http://www.geobytes.com/message-keys/