Lets hope the EU based regulators get a decent slice of the pie first, instead of the typical bank robberies we see from regulators over the pond.
Amusing if it was just “Royal Concierge”, the GCHQ program.
3 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Jul 2015
The majority of threat is email bourne, with compromised sites making up the rest.
The simple answer is that it's too expensive and people still have the mindset of castle walls, plus it's not their job, nor is our in their objectives.
Most companies/public bodies see security as expense and inconvenience. People don't want to buy 2 pc licenses, or walk to a kiosk machine. Therefore there is always a human providing protection, as signatures and blacklists lag behind. Those humans want it simple, and those humans managers don't understand how complex simpler is.
The key mistake I see is that the population of cyberspace does not poses an equal probability of being hit by malicious actors, so safety is not a function of size.
If 1/10 people are criminals, and the population increases from 100 to 1000, then the proportion and probability is the same if each citizen had an equal chance of being robbed, and robberies happened 1 per month per criminal, etc.
It's however less likely to rob other criminals, police, soldiers, bigger people or babies, and you don't have an equal distribution across all physical locations. The population of criminals is supported by the more prosperous local economy and those criminals target either vulnerabilities (people/things) or known valuable targets/areas.
Collections of criminals maybe able to target higher value businesses with more security hitting the news, others may go undetected such as cyber shoplifting or pickpockets. With losses either unattributed or taken as an operational risk and not reported.
That said, the recent investment increase private/public sector and focus/competition within the security industry, coupled with the relative maturity of technology may mean that defence is starting to erode criminal returns.
As we white list the IPV6 range, apply better heuristics, cryptography and increase awareness, the widow of opportunity will narrow as the attack becomes more sophisticated and cannot be rolled out in a timely or resource efficient manner. The threat will then shift to underdeveloped physical regions or areas of technology. The unknown nature of surveillance and high tariffs when caught will also reduce the population of occasional criminals.
Cloud, IPv6 and firmware will be the growth sectors in my opinion, internal threat will continue as focus turns inward to the unpredictable through the fog of BAU; increasing statistics due to that focus, not the risk.