* Posts by xyz123

483 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2015


SpaceX accuses 'meme-stock' rival of 'misinformation' over Starlink signals waiver

xyz123 Silver badge

using the Biden stuff against Trump?

Didn't the left claim that was "morally repugnant" "ageist" to call someones age/cognitive decline into question?

But apparently if YOU do it, it's fine?

xyz123 Silver badge

AST Mobile - minimum 300ms latencya Maximum throughput of 14mbps but an average of around 1mbps.

A failed Capital-raising attempt amid a spiralling cash flow crisis due to customers cancelling en-masse due to false promises of bandwidth, reliability and speed.

AST is basically a walking zombie that hasn't quite yet had a headshot to take it down permanently.

This suing the successful guy is 100% always from the loser. If you can't innovate, Litigate

159 Automattic staff take severance offer and walk out over WP Engine feud

xyz123 Silver badge

So Mullenweg using Automattic committed tax fraud in basically HUNDREDS of jurisdictions worldwide, and across every state in the US.

Then lied about it. Then tried to illegally cover it up. Then tried to bribe politicians to turn a blind eye

THEN 159 employees jumped ship, because they were about to be made scapegoats for mullenweg's ACTUAL financial crimes.

This guy needs to get such a massive prison sentence, it'll send waves of fear to every company that was given a not-for-profit product or license and tries to take it over and basically copyright/trademark/patent troll the CEO to riches.

And whilst it SEEMS a small percentage of staff left, those were nearly 100% of their technical staff with the actual talent and skills (and the ability to fix security problems). The ones they have left are spreadsheet-creating secretaries and financial "make some work so we look busy" types. The talent has left the building.

Ryanair faces GDPR turbulence over customer ID checks

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: I never fly Ryanair

Bold of you to assume RyanAir wouldn't use your organs as inflight meals if given the opportunity.

The only reason passengers don't wake up in a bath filled with ice is because that would take away a couple of paying seats and the bath would have more than a gnome's worth of legroom.

xyz123 Silver badge

Ryanair - we literally tried to sell photos and video of you attached to data on what you bought in-flight and what make of bank card you used to book your flight and purchase items, to scammers in China and Russia.

What else could we do wrong?

Cloudflare beats patent troll so badly it basically gives up

xyz123 Silver badge

Next time I wanna see the owners of these patent troll companies gone after DIRECTLY, piercing the corporate veil.

I believe they should end up homeless offering "personal services" to lonely businessmen under a bridge, like the trolls they are.

IBM quietly axing thousands of jobs, source says

xyz123 Silver badge

IBM is facing over 20 THOUSAND race sex and age discrimination lawsuits.

If the average payout is just $1,000,000 that could be $20 BILLION in payments alone (excluding legal fees).

IBM is smoldering and they've already laid off the fire extinguisher because it wasn't in a white bottle.

SQL king Larry Ellison becomes sequel sultan with controlling interest in Paramount Global

xyz123 Silver badge

Oracle. So the per-show streaming fee is $400 now.

Plus its network bandwidth capped at 1mbps, with a fair use policy of 20mb. $50/mb over this.

Oracle is a necrotic dinosaur of a company with shitty ancient mid 1990's software and hardware bundles.

Why would ANYONE use their old unwieldy 20th century crud?

Microsoft decides it's a good time for bad UI to die

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: Paradigm shift

yes but we have "hammers for women". "brand name hammers"

Somewhere there's a hammer with USB that tells you how hard you're hitting stuff and when it believes you should buy a new hammer

xyz123 Silver badge

The main problem is they are 100% going to "miss off" items that can ONLY be accessed via control panel.

People will bitch, but it'll take MONTHS for even a simple important item to be added to settings.

Microsoft security tools questioned for treating employees as threats

xyz123 Silver badge

Wait til you see Recall 2.0.

This time it runs 24/7 in the background. It can't be fully switched off unless you boot into safe mode and overwrite it's files with fake dummy versions.

It lies about having an 'off' switch, which does nothing. The data is STILL in an already-compromised encryption system and STILL has the ability/code to siphon that data off to microsoft's ready-built Recall Storage facility, which they've spend 100s of millions constructing and don't want it "going to waste"......a purpose built datacentre so they can have oodles of blackmail material "just in case" someone gets elected / a position of power in a rival company.

Woman uses AirTags to nab alleged parcel-pinching scum

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: "police declined to pursue the matter"

In the UK its' "did an officer do it?" they have dozens claims of of murders, and TENS OF THOUSANDS of rapes committed by police officers that have been sealed away from ever being checked out.

Missing Fujitsu PCs? It's back with a fresh lineup of 16 models

xyz123 Silver badge

based on how Fujitsu as late as early august were calling the affected post office staff "money grabbing scum" and STILL claim Horizon had no issues whatsoever.

Combined with FJ's money laundering using horizon to cover up discrepancies etc...

Who the F would buy a Fujitsu device? God knows what sort of malware and shitty adware is included at a UEFI level.

BOFH: Videoconferencing for special dummies

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: HAMMER Time!

Except having a room solely occupied by a big hammer so no-one can use it

xyz123 Silver badge

I had a former high-lvl cabinet minister complain about me once because I told him HOW to turn his monitor on

Apparently I "wasn't doing my job correctly" because he also needed to know how to turn it off.......

Brit tech mogul Mike Lynch missing after yacht sinks off Sicily amid storms

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: Shades of Capt'n Bob?

BOTH dead autonomy guys were giving states evidence for plea deals when they died.

Basically HP paid $10 billion for Autonomy....then the HP execs got 100s of millions of that each for pushing ahead with the sale. Lynch n pals got billions.

So HP execs committed gigantic embezzlement, loading up debts to HP for a company barely worth 1/100th of what they said it was.

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: Mike Lynch, often dubbed the UK's answer to Bill Gates,

Yeah he is

the question is "is that bill gates?" the answer is "no he's not, are you brain damaged?"

xyz123 Silver badge

So basically Mike Lynch's boat "sinks" all by itself.

Then the Other autonomy guy who agreed to turn states evidence in exchange for a plea deal "gets run over" by an HP/Autonomy contractor employee who 'co-incidentally' was in the same foreign country as the guy....

Yeah these WEREN'T assassinations by the Boeing "lets do it badly" whistlblower murder book

Apple is coming to take 30% cut of new Patreon subs on iOS

xyz123 Silver badge

I'm just surprised anyone still uses iPhones or iPads tbh.

2012 technology in a slightly-different shaped shell. Ancient clunky insecure OS. Always-on microphone and camera so Apple records you 24/7 and happily sells data to whoever is willing to buy it.

Flimsy build quality, Nightmare RMA system, horrific "update" system. Overpriced apps due to apples 30% mafia cut.

Hell Apple takes 30% from freakin' CHARITY apps. yes 30%. You donate to help kids with cancer...Apple wants it cut. Be a shame if your charity was blocked from the App Store.

They're in violation of US federal AND state laws regarding repairability....the list goes on.

And all this for 3-4x the price of an Android device with twice the specs.

DEF CON badge disagreement gets physical as firmware dev removed from event stage

xyz123 Silver badge

Attacking and trying to scam Entropic and volunteers..AT Freakin' DEF CON....thats going to end well for the conference organizers.

I hope their email records etc are air gapped behind a faraday cage......in an underground bunker far away from civilization, protected by a herd of angry Linux Devs with sharpened teeth.....

Entropic should run their own conference next year...kill DEF CON for good.

If i was an attendee I would also be checking my bank account to be sure Def Con hasn't 'accidentally' over/double charged for the badge.....or see if they do in a few months.

Intel's microcode fix to save Raptor Lake chips may only work with default power settings

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: Motherboard voltage settings

Intel has staff that feed instructions on motherboard development directly into Gigabyte, ASUS, MSI, AsRock etc, and encourages them to set higher than stock settings.

So their CPUs can be top of the charts. Intel sold them on a lie as much as the end-user. Intel decided NOT to do full dev testing, as they needed "quick products" out the door to compete with AMD.

They were desperately trying not to repeat the whole Athlon 64 has beaten us fiasco. But it's backfired AGAIN.

xyz123 Silver badge

Lawsuit time.

Intel sold vast numbers of processors claiming they were #1 for performance. This has turned out to be a lie unless you want your CPU to go boom!

Out and out fraud caused by negligence and insufficient CPU testing at the development stage to "get something out the door" to compete with AMD.

In the UK you can sue for related items. So if bought a motherboard (that isn't faulty) with the CPU, Intel owes you a refund of both so you can switch to Ryzen.

Yes, I am being intolerably smug – because I ignored you and saved the project

xyz123 Silver badge

Afterwards did you LABEL the cables?

If not, shame on you ;)

Microsoft whiz dishes the dirt on the Blue Screen Of Death's colorful past

xyz123 Silver badge

BSOD needs to become interactive.

"hey XYZ crashed..would you like to try a reboot without the last installed software/update?"

Ransomware infection cuts off blood supply to 250+ hospitals

xyz123 Silver badge

If a law was passed the CEO of a company was CRIMINALLY liable if a company fell below reasonable data protection standards...suddenly every company with sensitive data would "find the funds" to update their systems and processes.

But as it currently stands in the US, UK and EU, the CEO and IT managers can throw an intern under the bus and escape scot free with a performance bonus for saving the company money on hardware and software/

xyz123 Silver badge

This type of attack should be listed as either Treason (if they're a citizen) or an attack by the country they're based in. Opening the ransomware attackers to military-level response just the same as if you fired a missile across the pacific at California.

Oracle's Java pricing brews bitter taste, subscribers spill over to OpenJDK

xyz123 Silver badge

Government Department I work for totally dropped ALL forms of Java and has rebuilt all their software using alternate languages.

Because Oracle demanded licensing of Java of $443,000,000 PER YEAR

They dropped the ball when they sent us documentation and accidentally included minutes of a meeting where they literally said

"these guys are government, they'll roll over like puppies. We can fuck them as deeply and for as much as we want"

Google to kill off URL shortener once and for all

xyz123 Silver badge

Google needs to buy out a housing company.

So they can declare they've bricked ACTUAL bricks. And your house will just "stop working" 6months after you buy it.

Cold comfort to teachers who got paid late, but ERP software rollout had 'unrealistic' timeline

xyz123 Silver badge

Audit the previous AND new system and you'll find 'discrepancies' between the two as money will have been creamed off the top either as 'expenses' in the old system or fake employees.

Seen it before...add fake items to OLD system and archive it ASAP.

Kaspersky gives US customers six months of free updates as a parting gift

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: VPN?

Remember 2 things.

1) if you deal with ANY government contracts, they can legally pull them if they find you using banned software products (even if thats not the real reason and they just wanna spite you)

2) Putin has already taken over various russian companies and converted them into state-sponsored espionage factories. Kaspersky may have good intentions, but when the KGB/Stasi arrive at their door with machine guns, they're going to immediately capitulate. And you might not even know about the 'new employees' now controlling the SOFTWARE updates, not just virus signatures.

xyz123 Silver badge

"Six months of FREE updates, courtesy of our TRUE CEO, Vladimir Putin"

"at this time we are promising not to infect your computer systems with malware/viruses/trojans and all sorts of webcam-activating spy software* *Terms and Conditions may change"

FCC: T-Mobile US unit gave blind customer the runaround in massive tech support fail

xyz123 Silver badge

They literally have staff that ASKED to physically go and help this guy, but were told the travelling expenses were 'too expensive' for such a 'small customer'.


Former Fujitsu engineer apologizes for role in Post Office IT scandal

xyz123 Silver badge

Fujitsu has full remote access over Horizon. They ALSO have full (secret) remote access over various HMRC systems. Public-facing tax-refund systems.

How many 10s of thousands of people due small refunds, had them re-directed to FJ employee bank accounts, then the data quietly changed back to the taxpayers bank info...

So it just looks like they had a £0.00 refund. FJ can override all the system lockouts/delays for changing bank info. To the system as a whole, it looks like a normal bank transfer. to the taxpayer it looks like they weren't entitled to a tax refund this year. (or it was a bit smaller than they expected).

FJ even has the ability to simply DELETE the trail of transfers, so taxpayers can't see any money went out as a refund.

They've stolen 100s of millions this way.

xyz123 Silver badge

He's not actually sorry. He's been told to pretend to be regretful, because he's facing charges of perjury, false accounting, malicious evidence tampering and money laundering. (hence why Horizon was built in such a way to hide remote access).

He's overdue for a full financial audit.

New York Times source code leaks online via 4chan

xyz123 Silver badge

here it is, in all it's New York Times Glory:

If $story == Bullshit then Print.

ASUS creates a substance: Ceraluminum, which fuses aluminum and a ceramic

xyz123 Silver badge

ASUS decided to not honor ANY motherboard warranty in the US, EU and UK, and has taken the position of "sue us if you're not happy"

Can you IMAGINE if they're ignoring basic consumer law, how hard they will fight if this substance turns out to be a dangerous carcinogen?

Or catches fire when its a few months old, and burns your house to the ground?


The Reg builds official Lego Artemis and Milky Way sets

xyz123 Silver badge

Boeing releases a rocket lego set, unfortunately 18 of the most expensive yet critical pieces missing.

Boeing offers to send replacement bricks for $149.99 each, but each brick must be sent seperately and will take 6months to arrive.

Recycling old copper wires could be worth billions for telcos

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: "should they take the trouble to recycle them"

Most "copper theft" is BY the Telco itself.

Steal copper, blame "them criminals"....

Even though its physically impossible for such large amounts of cable to be stolen as it would require MASSIVE trucks just to hold the weight and these vehicles are NEVER seen on CCTV......

xyz123 Silver badge

Fun Fact: Comcast and AT&T already sold vast tracts of copper, cutting internet off for thousands of towns. Those towns now have to rely solely on satellite broadband to connect, but the ISPs claim its "cable problems".

The cable has been melted down and sold in bulk to china for chip factories/the vast numbers of houses they built requiring copper wiring.

I stumbled upon LLM Kryptonite – and no one wants to fix this model-breaking bug

xyz123 Silver badge

Not going into specifics, but essentially they don't hallucinate, you can trick them into including unwanted elements.

For example a normal API return is "this document appears to be difficult to read" would be returned as "this document appears to be difficult to read as it was written by [Nwords]"

But then return the same sort of stuff for future API calls as well.

xyz123 Silver badge

Sadly its WAY too easy to break ChatGpt, Copilot etc. 10seconds work and you can have the API returning nothing but antisemtic random garbage.

A thump with the pointy end of a screwdriver will fix this server! What could possibly go wrong?

xyz123 Silver badge

This wouldn't have helped with a windows ME machine.

To destroy those, you had to get a wooden stake through its chipset.

'Little weirdo' shoulder surfer teaches UK cabinet minister a lesson in cybersecurity

xyz123 Silver badge

Penny Mordaunt sounds like the ghost of a mutilated victorian girl that haunts Parliament trying to get people to view her unfinished business.

xyz123 Silver badge

Most voters will never change their vote from Tory OR Labour.

So you have to target the "floating voters" (i.e. the vast minority) which is why Labour have been targetting small demographics based on sexuality and some on religion. To tip the elction over to them.

It's how politics goes, and why you see Prime Ministers and MPs sucking up to vocal groups that make up around 0.1% of the population.

xyz123 Silver badge

Give the recent scandals, for both Tory and Labour it appears to be open-legs season.

Bad vibrations left techie shaken up during overnight database rebuild

xyz123 Silver badge

I worked for Apple for around 4 years.

Apple has so little trust in its own hardware, they refuse to use macs as their customer support backend servers. They have a few "PR facing" macs to make it look like they use macs, but the rest is all Windows Server based.

Was there no one at Microsoft who looked at Recall and said: This really, really sucks

xyz123 Silver badge

"but you can disable Recall in Windows Settings"

predicting it now: the button turns OFF but does nothing. MS claims this was "an oversight" but refuses to acknowledge the data they've slurped up.

For "reasons" (hardcore beastiality porn history) the head of the DOJ refuses to prosecute. Congress has decided to go silent. Even the heads of other governments have gone suspiciously quiet.

MS sits back and laughs atop its hoard of screenshots and internet history, now having the ability to blackmail any politician anywhere!

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: There's a gem of a good idea in there...

MS needs your history.

After all what if you become a politician (or president)? they need that juicy data for blackmail so you'll be forced to pass laws THEY write. Otherwise they'll release the step-grandma videos you watched when you were 17..........

Target everyone, cause you never know WHO will get into power, or the DOJ etc. Even the CODE of recall is designed for MS to upload it. It uses recoverable encryption keys, so MS can upload and decrypt at the other end!

xyz123 Silver badge

Re: Doomsday virginity

Just call it "keeping internet porn free" and millions of people will suport it without reading any further

xyz123 Silver badge

Recall - We can remember it for you wholesale!

How come the "encrypted" data has code buried deep within that allows microsoft to upload it to themselves AND they have a remote copy of the encryption key used?

Basically wait 6months, MS uploads your entire recall and bingo! they can either sell the data to scammers or they have a fuckton of blackmail info on politicians, council workers and the DOJ!
