* Posts by BrianWilson

2 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2015

Kremlin-linked hacker crew's tactics exposed


Re: "We still don't know it actually occurred"?

That "17 intelligence agencies" nonsense is a complete myth and exposes YOU as the hack. That's a left-wing talking point that is completely made up. There is ZERO evidence that the Russian gov't hacked into the DNC. In fact it would make more sense that you are the Russian gov't trying to undermine our democratic process by spreading outlandish FUD.

Surviving Hurricane Katrina: A sysadmin's epic DR (as in Didn't Realise) odyssey


Re: Don't forget

The storm itself was not so bad in New Orleans. In fact the storm had passed and the sun was out when the levees broke that Monday. Tropical Storm Cindy a few weeks before was scarier IMO.