* Posts by davycrocket

7 publicly visible posts • joined 6 Jul 2015

Thunder struck: Apple kills off display line


Re: Apple displays

Awww, stop it, people just don't like being corrected lol

Queen guitarist Brian May releases virtual reality viewer


"I did try a freebie Virtual Reality headset made out of paper and dog turd the other week. I don't think much of this VR lark."

The amount of times i've read similar things from people then going on to rubbish VR.

Hmmm... maybe you're not doing it right?

McDonald's Sweden adds fries to VR


Re: Emperor's new VR

None of your examples have failed - they all work very well indeed.

Just because you don't have the money or time for them or they haven't hit your sales targets...

Has Linux failed?

Has the Bugatti failed?


Not Virtual Reality

This isn't VR.

I wouldn't even call the Google Cardboard VR - yes, i've tried it, as i've tried the Oculus Rift DK1, DK2, Gear VR and HTC Vive.

If you haven't tried modern VR you have no idea what VR is like.

But you will, eventually.

PC sales aren't doing so great – but good God, you're buying mountains of Nvidia graphics cards


As mentioned in the article, one thing and one thing only is going to give nvidia a massive boost over the next 5 years and that is Virtual Reality - everybody using the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive needs a flagship GPU in their machine and it is the major topic on Oculus forums (has been for 3 years now).

PC sales will remain healthy for a few years now thanks to this.

Biggest problem with virtual reality: It can be a little too real for people


Use It Properly!

Oh dear - the rollercoaster demo, the "special" demo which takes you up in the air and asks you to step off and the demo entitled "puke-me-VR" make people feel sick.

There's a surprise.

Did you all know that radios give me a headache? Yes, every time i smashed myself over the head with one. Now i just listen to radio shows and have found i can enjoy a radio once in a while.

Google's Cardboard cutout VR headgear given away GRATIS by OnePlus ... SELLS OUT


Re: Would like a couple

But unless you go Oculus Rift or Samsung Gear VR you really are NOT getting a taste of what VR will bring us early next year.

Trust me on this, the difference between the Oculus Rift development kits and Gear VR to any version of the Google Cardboard is immense.