Deja vu???
Sounds like Apple old Hypercard to me...
By the way , that failed too...
2 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Jun 2015
Well I have a W7 laptop. This is my workhorse. In one year to get the update for free, I will backup image. Install w10 and activate. Backup image , restore W7 , Continue to work…
On this laptop, I have all soft and a vmware player with a W8.1 VM and W10 VM. I usual, I will every one or two weeks , boot vm , updtate, shutdown…
At Work with our W7 and XP and one NT4 computer not on the net we will …
Just work…
This way I will be able to watch this worldwide beta / guinea pig experiment pass along…
By the way, if you want me to upgrade to win10+
1-remove auto update on patch (I always wait for one week to see if we get a "don't install this patch message"
2-remove auto save cloud file (my file are for me only thank you)
3-remove search outside pc ( I care for my files, I have google to find what I need elsewhere…)
4-remove metro (don’t need a phone applet on my desk thankyou) By the way I can't remove unused waste space on W10 menu even if I remove all metro craplets…
5-dont install appstore for nothing. I will buy my soft from provider directly without added tax and with direct support.