Re: I propose....
That's almost pronounceable. In Welsh.
8 publicly visible posts • joined 23 Jun 2015
What actually happens when you have a parking fine is that the prosecuting authority ramps up the fine, denying that you have made representation, etc. and that you have No Alternative But To Pay 3x the original (undiscounted) fine. Then they have to go to court. The court then sends you a relatively simple questionnaire such as, did you fail to receive proper notification of the offence, did you make representation against it, and two or three other *valid* pleas. And you make a sworn statement at a court which may or may not cost you £10 depending on the court (at least it did c 2008). And if S*******k Borough Council Parking Offences Unit have been lying little shits you never hear from them again. But making a representation usually causes the fine to be reset to the lowest level for two weeks.
It's been a few years now since being a courier in the Smoke. Maybe it has all changed.
Tha's been a courting Mary-Jane, Mary-Jane
On Internet Web Room Chat.
Tha's been a courting Mary-Jane, Mary-Jane
On Internet Web Room Chat.
On Internet Web Chat! On Internet Web Chat!
On Internet Web Chat!
We've all been courting Mary-Jane, Mary-Jane
On Internet Web Room Chat. [etc.]
Mary-Jane is a man, is a man
On Internet Web Room Chat. [etc.]
> Those guys in the 60's knew there's be an existential threat to the west posed by Islamist extremists in > 2015 so they set up a system of interception back then so it'd be perfected by now to protect us.
Because clearly the 60s were devoid of existential threats to .. er .. democracy, real or exaggerated.
Do you mean the Plain English Campaign? Hmmm. Some of the things which get the Crystal Mark are less than edifying examples of crystal clear English, notably DVLA driving licence renewal application notes for the over 70s which are sliced and diced into the same notes for banned driver reapplications and are liberally peppered with goto statements, and have even lucid 70-year-olds running to a helpful relative. Being charitable I suppose it is a reasonable test that convicted alcoholic drivers have actually reformed their ways but if you try telling the PEC that the document concerned may not be quite up to the standards of English that one might expect, you receive a petulant silence. Well ok, I interpreted it as a petulant silence. If I were of a cynical bent, I might think that the following extract may provide something of an explanation:
"There is a fee for the Crystal Mark unless you are a corporate member. The fee for the Crystal Mark is normally £500 + VAT. However, we may be able to group a number of documents together so you only pay the fee once. Or, if you only have one small document, we will reduce this fee to £200 + VAT."