* Posts by AnonymousSs

5 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2015

Welcome to the Wipe House: President Trump shreds climate change, privacy, LGBT policies on WhiteHouse.gov


Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

Why is it outrageous that the First Lady is working to further the prevention of online bullying? Why is that a problem? Online bullying is a huge problem and it is growing and reaching even younger children. I'd say she has picked an excellent cause one that is very relevant and important in todays world.

Its this blind hatred and inexplicable attacks that lead me to believe... the Propaganda machine is working extremely well!


Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

Where does Trump say fuck everyone else? He's talked about making peace with everyone else, not fucking them. He's more anti-war and pro-peace than his predecessors but lets ignore those hugely important facts and focus on a slogan, America First, which has been magically translated to 'fuck everyone'. Hm. The MSM machine sure is getting to people.


Re: Just the Guy We Need

Exactly. This is another extremely biased and misdirected article bordering on propaganda. The author has many on these lines.

Lets get our knickers in a twist and hate on Trump due to the way the gov updated the website. Because thats what we're complaining about here. A simple website update. From a critical point of view, yes perhaps a redirect could have been added however a simple link to allow the user the option of viewing the archived files would be better.

How long would you plan to redirect every page to the archive? The focus is on now and the future, not the past. A web dev may have felt that the archived files are not important now as they are defunct.

I find it mildly amusing and quite worrying how people jump on crap like this and get the pitchforks out again to jab the world with their hate.



Has someone started a petition yet??!

Perhaps we should focus on the positives like the end of TPP and dont give writers like Kieren McCarthy any more clicks for the Trump-hate-bait.

Trump lieutenants 'use private email' for govt work... but who'd make a big deal out of that?


This article borders on propaganda. Some carefully chosen words such as 'personal emails' yet the domain is that of the Republicans not gmail or some other personal account domain.

The click bait headline also claims they are using private email for government work, but then goes on to say that there is absolutely no evidence to suggest this.

It's speculation/propaganda.

There is also no evidence to suggest Russian bogeymen hackers have hacked this server, only a 'suspicion' but again it is mentioned to tie in with the anti-Trump narrative and the propaganda agenda.

It's very sad that even sites like The Register are not immune to this sort of blatant misrepresentation and misleading article which just add to the disinformation out there.

Cops turn Download Festival into an ORWELLIAN SPY PARADISE


People can't really boycott this as they are mostly unaware of the planned level of surveillance. This was only announced yesterday, the festival starts today! People will find out when they turn up which is wrong.

I think I understand why they are using this festival to trial this - it's one of the most laid back easy going atmospheres of a UK festival of that size. People will accept it, then next year all your big festivals will follow suit.

I will complain as I have taken my son to this festival several times - never again if this is going to be the norm.

I feel a letter to my MP coming on...