Re: Let me guess
Thats what they are trying to do with lenin
68 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2015
i hope it will reduce number of russians in cs:go, the % of cheaters, rude a**holes and screaming kids is just too damn high. Though is fun hearing our local russian swearing on discord about having to play with russians. Hopefully there wont be more of BDO bs where EU countries are locked to russian servers instead of western.
Even if they dont do it now that gear puts us under the risk of them adding the functionality in future patches, US is generally our ally(at least when its not led by a hairy poo filled orange) so even if it is bad, its not AS bad. sucks that EU is busy with stupid stuff and doesnt take initiative on anything, we(EU not individual countries) should do South Korea and support our companies
they" as people living in U.S.(and Kremlin), as im living in neither of those places and cant vote in U.S. elections its "they" . though it was electoral college(why something so archaic exists is beyond me, how it can be called "democracy" when person with least votes win) that put him in place, because more people voted for the second worst choice.
IMO it should be similarly as pension in systems where your spouse get it after you die. your descendants had as much to do with creation of copyrighted material as i, you can use money you get from copyrights to leave it to them, just as people who do paid work. else it puts people who work on worse standing than copyright owners, because results of their work cant be passed on indefinitely. there should be balance between compensating people who create with fairness and public interest. one persons grandmother was engineer and made some roads, he gets nothing for, others grandmother wrote a book, and he gets paid for it, how is it fair and makes sense?
1)make a book with some gibberish
2)get somebody to upload it
3)generate a bunch of views
doesnt even need ??????? step. considering how widespread this problem is with ads it would be same, wouldnt even put beyond big copyright holders to do it considering how much they abuse the system as is.
"No one wants companies to block everything unless they can prove its not copyrighted because that would remove one of the great things about the internet"
that is exactly what those big movie/music etc. companies want. whole copyright system is bs... why somebody who has been dead for ages still have copyright. copyright should care for artist during his life(and, maybe, relatives for some time after) not immortal(and immoral) companies. its same with patents.
it does exist, but there is a difference between real actions and "i didnt like the way he looked at me", or "i dont like him so i report him", there is one great comic about different reaction of same action based on guys looks. there are women complaining about somebody touching their butt in a party in 1973. a gay once touched my butt 10 years ago, should i go complain now? i took it as a compliment and moved on.
the issue with these things is that men(because there are completely different rules for when women do it) are made guilty before trial or having a chance to defend themselves ruining careers.
search was too wide, but my comment was about password(and, in this case, fingerprint) counting as testifying against himself instead of being just a key to open something.
"Where in the past judges have drawn a distinction between forcing a person to reveal a known password and the act of applying a person's finger to a sensor, Judge Westmore sees no difference in this instance. "In this context, biometric features serve the same purpose of a passcode, which is to secure the owner's content, pragmatically rendering them functionally equivalent," she wrote."
why it is so bad if a suspect is forced to unlock their device with a warrant? whats next you wont open your safe, house/car door because of that?
digital documents should be viewed as physical, if there is a reasonable way to do it and working safety mechanisms to protect from abuse then there should be ways for law enforcement to search devices.
why not bundle windows + office 365 for some 10eur a month? if they dont plan on releasing new windows they need to make money somehow, alternatives are:
1)mass selling user information(yes they slurp, but afaik its more like apple instead of google/facebook like)
2)losing money on their home products to get people hooked on them and get money from enterprise
3)draconian reinstall policies
4)try to go apple way but i doubt they can pull it off
people are used to subscriptions now, i prefer subscription over walled garden of apple and being the product with google
Long term support and googles slurping are reasons i bought 8 plus, at this point phones are on same level as pcs in terms of not needing to buy a new one every year like it was 15 years ago. I dont like apple but there are some things they do right, still sad about windows phone, was best of both worlds, if microsoft just fully committed and put their weight behind apps
then again my backup phone is samsung galaxy mini from 2011, even used it for a time last year after my nokia lumia died
agree, now dex/continuum stuff could replace workstations quite soon, at least for most people, hardware is powerful enough and just needs 2 good monitors, a keyboard and a mouse
cooling like on one of those gaming phones that are made for external cooling addon, along with dex with cooling solution will probably be the future, wont be surprised if some monitors/dex like things will come with external gpus soon
hope to see you back in EU with same rules like everybody else in a few years, when stupid old people have died out a bit, liked some of your online stores, stuff managed to come here faster than from Germany(and stuff from Germany still ships faster than stuff from local stores). And you use language people can understand, unlike germans or french