Embrace, not replace!
It's been decades since an OS upgrade has mandated a hardware upgrade. By the end of this year, millions of Windows 10 users will find themselves with perfectly good computers, but with an unsupported Windows OS. Many will reluctantly upgrade their hardware because they don't want to loose their favourite Windows app. Many won't know that Windows apps can run under Linux via Wine... and all that new hardware will result in a lot of unnecessary e-waste.
But what if there was a distro aimed at this market... a distro with a familiar Windows look and feel... a distro that embraced running Windows apps via Wine instead of forcing users to find a FOSS replacement? Get these users over to Linux and allow them to run their favorite Windows apps. Once happy with Linux, in time they will naturally explore and discover that many FOSS alternatives are better than the Windows versions.
But having to install Linux and decide which office suite should I install instead of MS Office, which email client looks like Outlook, which media app should I use to replace iTunes, is there even anything on Linux that can replace Fusion 360 or Mixcraft Pro Studio... it's all just too much and most won't even bother.
But a distro with pre-installed tools than embraces running Windows apps insteading of forcing people to replace them... that could be a winner.