* Posts by HonestAbe

28 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2015

2015 wasn't about AWS. It was about everybody getting ready to try to beat AWS


Re: Same for everyone

"And so it will for every alternative for the cloud."

I don't think that's true. When the cost of idle infrastructure goes up it will put even more pressure on achieving 100% utilization to eliminate idle infrastructure. The cloud shines brightest on cloudy days, because of the higher processor and storage utilizattion of those capital investments.

I can turn Yahoo! around claims hedge fund manager


Circle of Life

Anyone who's ever seen buzzards fighting over a carcass recognizes this scene. Rending it to and fro, sometimes even lifting it into the air for a second or two.

It's all over for a Silicon Valley company when it becomes too sick to outrun the bean counters and marketers any longer. RIP Yahoo, and so many others recently.

Microsoft shelves 'suicidal' Android-on-Windows plan



Maybe "desperate" is a better word. If Microsoft couldn't get app developers to port to Windows, emulating Android would be a last-ditch attempt to create a critical mass of software. RIM had a similar project.

The real question is whether abandoning this indicates confidence or just cost cutting. Microsoft has been throwing money at developers to develop Windows apps. If they're gaining traction, that would explain the change. On the other hand, they're also laying people off right and left, which could also explain the change.

HPE comes over all Docker, throws containers at Helion tools lineup



Thanks a lot Reg. That is not an image of Margaret Whitman that I needed right before breakfast.

The Edward Snowden guide to practical privacy


Re: Off point

"Disgruntled former IT git."

The $53bn 'startup': Hewlett Packard Enterprise begins life


Re: HP : Where the parts are worth 100% less than th sum

"my own view is that Meg's turnaround was turning out to be either completely or semi-mythical."

Yes, I think that's basically it. Whitman started out by intentionally lowering the bar -- tanking the share price through massive write-offs and trash-talking her predecessors. Classic "big bath" accounting scheme. She then promised a five-year "turnaround" to restore the company, but she couldn't even execute on that much lower expectation. Having run out of time, she tried to sell it off, but nobody wanted to buy all those disparate failing or declining businesses as a giant package. Now she's breaking them up into smaller bite-size chunks in the hope she can then find acquirers.

In a couple years, some ODM will buy the PC/printer part for just the brand recognition, I predict. No company is going to want the EDS side, though, because anyone can just poach EDS's last remaining talent through hiring. Whitman will then do what Carly has done -- go into politics. No tech company will ever again make the mistake of hiring her.

Dell (Michael, that is): EMC's DSSD a 'game changer'


Re: The trouble with flash....

"Intel designed the NVMe interface specifically for those flash killers." Exactly. DSSD sounds cool, but it doesn't appear to compete with anything at the component level. Rather it appears to be leveraging the rise of NAND (and presumably Intel's new NAND-killer) to fully realize their potential in storage.

Sounds very cool, but if it's as good as Dell thinks then Oracle, HP, and IBM should be worried... and Intel, Micron, and Sanshiba should be rejoicing.

GCHQ to pore over blueprints of Chinese built Brit nuke plants



Yup. That thirty-foot tsunami was just CGI by the same AFL-CIA team who faked the moon landings. Elvis is the special agent in charge.

Dell buying EMC: Is this the end times, or the road to salvation?


The End Game

Rather than "end times," I'd call this the "end game". As in chess, there are few pieces left on the board, position and materiel advantage rapidly magnifies, and the losing player often just resigns.

Dell now seems well positioned to sweep up the last conventional IT by offering a complete solution, pushing the existing installed base toward it using their reliance on VMware and other Dell/EMC products, and enticing that installed base with an easy on-ramp into the cloud.

I'm confident that other old-style tech and consulting firms will now start tipping over their kings and bowing out very quickly. I'm less confident that Dell and his investors will make great fortunes from being victors, given how much money they've spent to be the winner. and how Amazon and Microsoft are arranging to take all the margins in cloud. But Dell is rich enough already, I guess.

You can hack a PC just by looking at it, say 3M and HP


Re: Firewall

That's why I always conduct meetings in the original audio-signal VPN, igpay atinlay.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise CEO Whitman slams EMC/Dell deal


Re: At least you were explicit...

@Dadmin: Exactly. There is no shortage of over-hyped failures in either gender. The issue here shouldn't be men vs. women. It should be geniuses vs. fools. A fool is someone who doesn't understand how much they don't understand. Whitman is their poster child.

Australian boffins say Quantum Pentiums are on the horizon


Re: So a quantum breakthrough

@tony2heads: "Yes, and I am of two minds about this."

... and according to Everett and Deutsch, you really are.


The final breakthrough until the next final breakthrough, next month

Two or three times a year someone announces that they've identified another physical system capable of computing with qubits. Unfortunately, that alone is a lot like identifying a new fluid that one can blow soap bubbles from. That is not the really really difficult part.

Now imagine blowing a soap bubble as large as the continent of Europe, and keeping it from popping for a month despite all the gusts of wind and rain and lightning here and there. THAT is the hard part, and what is required for quantum computation to become useful.

Don't hold your breath (or rather, everyone do hold your breath to keep that bubble from popping).

White House 'deeply disappointed' by Europe outlawing Silicon Valley



This news could not have come at a better time for me. I've never in my life been more than a jeuvenile delinquent, and even that was an embarrassingly large number of decades ago during high school.

Now, however, thanks to some European bureaucrat I'd never heard of, I'M AN HONEST-TO-GOD OUTLAW. I can't wait to tell my five-year-old in the morning, since I thnk this will raise me a couple notches in his esteem.

The only downside is that my Silicon Valley job has nothing to do with European data.... just boring silicon.

Edward Snowden denies making a deal with the Russian secret service


"Edward Snowden denies making a deal with the Russian secret service"

He's not bright enough to now that he actually has made deals with them. Putin undoubtedly assigned his top KGB guys as Snowden's handlers, playing to Snowdens's ego and manipulating Snowden into developing useful ideologies.

The biggest lesson we should all take from all this is that no individual IT support person should ever, without a second and third set of eyes, be permitted to have access to anyone's confidential information. I've put that rule to work in my own job, and so should you.

Huh? Cat-wees-like-a-racehorse study pees on fellow physicists to take Ig Nobel prize


Re: I remember about the 21 second pee result

"Has anybody else timed themselves?" No, but I always time the guy in front of me when waiting in line at a urinal. This study is complete BS... it never takes less than ten minutes.



@LIttle Mouse: Not a statistically sufficient sample size. Keep doing it.

Just ONE THOUSAND times BETTER than FLASH! Intel, Micron's amazing claim


Re: A MAJOR breakthrough,

Fair point. Thousands of oxen or trillions of drachma. ;)


Re: A MAJOR breakthrough,

"I believe that's called a memristor." (scoff...) No. That's called RRAM, PCRAM, MRAM, or a dozen other restistive memory types that people have been working on for the last 40 years, some of which have been commercially available for a long time. Looks like Intel and Micron have stuck a warp drive on one of those, but we won't know the details until the product hits the shelves.


Re: hmm

Exactly. "The dog ate my homework, and I didn't launch my breakthrough because it was just too darn good."


Re: @AC ...hmm

That is a crossbar lattice, but Crossbar, Inc. didn't invent crossbar lattices, which are ancient. The magic is in the physics, materials, and manufacturing process... but none of my google searches have revealed what physics Intel/Micron are actually using. All I've seen are rumors that it's PCM, based on performance criteria.


Re: Read the Fine Print

"Only ten times denser than DRAM"... but presumably infinitely stackable because it won't overheat. It will be interesting to see what the 2017 version looks like, in both process shrink and number of layers.


Re: Just imagine...

It probably does translate into battery life (though not 1000x). Less DRAM means less power drain. It will interesting to find out in coming months how many OEMs have already been queuing up to buy it.

HP's split surgeon Bill Veghte splits from HP


Re: Curious

Many people have suggested that. However, I still don't see why Microsoft would want to touch that tar baby. MSFT bought Nokia to force their OS into the phone market, but they certainly have no such challenge in the PC space.

To me, it seems more likely that Quanta or Foxconn would pick it up after the stock price falls far enough, just for the brand recognition (since it's their PCs HP rebrands and resells anyway... why not make it official, like HTC has). Other than some ODM that wants to buy the logo... maybe Canon would buy it to reduce competition and prop up prices in the declining inkjet market.

Oracle confirms David Donatelli hired to head hardware unit


Re: Fun thought for the day.

I expect that he'll buy HP. A year from now, after they've ditched the PC group, after the market gets a better view of just how moribund the server and services group is when it's not artificially propped up with ink margins, and after Wall Street finally tires of Whitman's empty PR blitzes, it will probably be very cheap. Ellison has already poached Hurd and Donatelli. They're probably drawing up plans for how to salvage the last remnants of HP, at this very instant.

Life after HP cracks off into two: Execs spill the beans – tiny little beans



Sigh. Not a single new technology release. Whitman runs through some buzz words she doesn't understand like "disruption" and "internet of things" and then quickly moves the audience's attention *away* from HP toward actual disruptive companies like Uber.

I felt so bad for Nefkins, Neri, and Youngjohns, who just looked embarassed and uncomfortable. No doubt they were thinking, while they were on stage, about their on-going discussions with corporate recruiters and career counsellors.