* Posts by riking

8 publicly visible posts • joined 29 May 2015

Google: How to make any AMD Zen CPU always generate 4 as a random number


Re: In the Olden Days, Microcode

Yeah, the concrete exploitation pathway for regular people is compromised update channels, which historically have not had much effort put into their security because "everyone knows" the CPU does strong verification already.

Google guru roasts useless phishing tests, calls for fire drill-style overhaul


"Zero Successful Employee Account Takeovers" since adopting mandatory security keys. It's one of the most blatant success stories in the industry.

You can't Phish U2F/FIDO unless you already have malware executing on the victim computer system.

Giving Windows total recall of everything a user does is a privacy minefield


Re: How come this is GDPR "compliant" at all ?

Ahhh but you see, it's Microsoft's customers that can be successfully prosecuted for owning computers that have this enabled. Microsoft will not be holding the bag here.

Small Businesses running on Home edition are going to be relentlessly victim blamed for not paying enough to be able to disable this.

Rust 2021 edition to arrive in October with 'more consistent panic' and other new features


Re: I don't know why they called that function panic()...

They do have a crater (dot io). It's for testing your compiler changes on every single public piece of Rust code that's out there. To avoid turning your email inbox into a smoking crater after you accidentally broke everybody, I presume.

Google Chrome vows to carpet bomb meddling Windows antivirus tools



It sounds like you're one of the victims that Chrome is trying to protect with this change - Chrome crashing when you try to close it is not normal, and it's probably because of injected code.

'To read this page, please turn off your ad blocker...'


Re: And so it begins.

> ad-blocker-blockers, ad-blocker-blocker-blockers

Actually, the third step is adding exception rules to the adblockers so the site fails to detect.


> "Has been compared to ransom"

Yeah, that's why nobody uses AdBlock Plus anymore.

Google spins up 'FREE, unlimited' cloud photo storage 4 years before ad giant nixes it


Re: privacy...

They ARE strongly encrypted, just in a way that nobody _but_ Google will be able to get at them.

If someone else broke into their system and took all the post-processed data, they would be able to feed it into their ad network targeting, which would destroy Google's competitive advantage that they're the only one who knows everything about you.