That's a slur
Presumably, if the AI can't pick up your slurred words, it will be pis... passed onto a human, that will tick a box for you to be sent booze adverts.
98 publicly visible posts • joined 27 May 2015
So the the people who own the company, own the property that the company leases from them, at a loss (increasing the bosses property wealth), and the bosses are not contracted to that company (they can cut and run, no questions asked or liability). The business will run at a loss, and requests an injection of financial backing. It's property speculation, but with added oomph under the guise of a beautiful innovative startup, and risk protected, and more money on the side from the company's IPO, etc., etc.
Nice wheez, good luck to them (by that I mean rot in hell).
As a resident of the drug deaths capital of Europe (Dundee), I can't say I'm surprised. Umpteen hundred of millions are being and have been spent prettifying the waterfront, not to mention the V&A (nice building on the outside, nothing inside). Misuse and abuse of financial resources is no surprise. Industry is leaving Dundee, but hey we have a pretty building.
I'm probably missing something here, but why are people complaining about lack of privacy in the future of Chrome? As soon as you install and start using Chrome, you're giving Google a tonne of data, by that very fact. So I'm surprised people are surprised at lack of privacy... on Chrome.
All seems a waste of money to me. That money could be much better spent (or contributing to the cost of) insulating homes to make them more energy-efficient, something Scandinavian countries do routinely, or rather, they build homes right in the first place. That would save energy costs hugely.
Or aswell, or alternatively, regulate the energy companies more appropriately.
Settings app - Network & Internet - set connection to 'metered', and avoid the auto install of all new crap. I was fortunate to get this done before this update released, so I can avoid the nightmare I had with fall creators update. Too late for many, but a trick to keep in mind for the next 'feature' update which will happen, as night follows day.
I'll permit the April update after at least the 3rd bug fix... and after a stiff drink.
Windows nags me that there are updates that need to be allowed, I shun the message.
Lower labour costs by offshoring. The only thing these people care about is minimizing labour costs, anything to lower labour costs. And if anyone tries to limit their access to the cheapest labour, then they'll get around it. Protection for domestic workers, no way.
And don't mention taxes, they don't believe in taxes either, it's for the shareholders of course, not ideological. They're a law unto themselves, and should be dealt with, rather than pandered to. Pigs might fly too.
I like it, I'm not a person, I'm not an individual, I'm not a worker, I'm not an employee... I'm an associate! woo! I feel valued as a huma... I mean associate now. My billionaire bosses make me one of them, it's so inclusive, I just don't get their government subsidized pay. Oh well, one step at a time for me.
It used to be the 'revolving door' of corruption, legislators become the legislated and back again. It still works well, but can be slow, so why not throw the pretense of independence aside, and go the direct route. It makes good business sense. And who cares if the corruption is blatant, it's not like people care, much.