My sarcasm meter broke off the top end half way through the article ;)
Posts by SoloSK71
47 publicly visible posts • joined 26 May 2015
World recoils in horror as smartphone maker accused of helping government snoops read encrypted texts, track device whereabouts
D-Link must suffer indignity of security audits to settle with the Federal Trade Commission
Bear insistent on playing tonsil tennis with you? Just bite its tongue off
It's official! The Register is fake news… according to .uk overlord Nominet. Just a few problems with that claim, though
Apple kills iTunes, preps pricey Mac Pro, gives iPad its own OS – plus: That $999 monitor stand
The completely rational take you need on Europe approving Article 13: An ill-defined copyright regime to tame US tech
Vodafone exec dons tartan tam-o'-shanter, clutches bottle of Irn-Bru, in snap shared with firm... just before Glasgow staff told of redundo dates
Another way to look at Amazon's counterfeit-busting Project Zero: Making merchants cough up protection money
Re: Buyer Beware
and ad to this that merchants can sell shite (such as fake plant seeds, ex. offering bromeliad seeds that sprout as common Chinese herbs or even weeds) or re-sell legitimate products but overprice them by 300% or more and people still buy them because they don't know how Amazon merchants can game the system
Turn off remote admin, SOHOpeless D-Link owners
Twitter trolls are destroying democracy, warn eggheads
We're going to have to start making changes or the adults will do it for us
Visiting America? US border agents want your Twitter, Facebook URLs
Re: I'll have whatever you're smoking. (Was it something from a rare frog/mushroom/plant?)
"God Help Us All if Hillary is elected. A two-front war with China and Russia using stealthed first-strike tac nukes in a "nuclear ramp-up" scenario? Yes, she can!"
Here's your sign!
And your tin foil hat.
The downside of freedom of speech right there.
Drubbed StubHub carder grub guilty, faces 12 years in cooler club

But ... but ... but ...
We keep getting told by the nanny state that there is no problem with people buying a thousand tickets to a single event and reselling them!
And yes, I get it that this was illegally buying them, but unless they had some kind of distributed network, most or all of the purchases would be coming from the same IP or range of IP addresses. Which also should have kicked off some kind of alarm by the credit card companies and/or PayPal.
The Microsoft-LinkedIn hookup will be the END of DAYS, I tell you
As bas as
the raving apple fans are, the spitting anti-ms ones are as well
there is a middle ground
and if you don't like it that much then fill it out with fake information (like opus did in bloom county surveys) to reduce the effectiveness and accuracy
btw, not one company in canada that i have worked with has hired using linkedin, and as i have been in hiring positions i think i have a pretty good view of the various corporate policies
Microsoft's paid $60 per LinkedIn user – and it's a bargain, because we're mugs
Re: Gone now. (never there)
never facebook
never whatsapp
never linkedin
never twitter
never snapchat
never, ever, no, no, no to any social media ever
plus having protected my systems, accounts, e-mail addresses for over 20 years i get less than one spam e-mail per month
and i never have to worry about my information being sold, or 'targeted marketing' (unless i do something like opus answering a phone survey and direct it to a c(e,i,f,etc.)o of some corporation i don't like (or even better their personal e-mail address
12 years of US Air Force complaints lost in database crash
Man-in-the-middle biz Blue Coat bought by Symantec: Infosec bods are worried
Re: Yeah, this is crazy but....
do 99% of users even know the slightest about what this means? i doubt it.
that was supposed to be the how point of 'trusted issuers', that you did not need to worry as they were supposed to be 'trusted' to a) do the background checks to make sure the person who asked for a cert was really the person who 'owned' the site (failed that years ago) and b) would not (be able to) use that certificate on their own to compromise a users or businesses communications (now failed)
talk ab out the fox guarding the hen house, and in this case it is two foxes already proven to be perilously close to the ethical and legal line
time to start removing their certs from the trusted issuers on my personal systems
FFS, Twitter. It's not that hard
Google snubs 'dark money' questions at AGM. Shareholder power? Yeah, right
What's holding up Canada's internet?
Re: What?
Telus especially provides truly appalling service and spends most of their time coming up with excuses why not to or why they can't do things.
Every single FTTH install (at least in multi-unit and older residential installs) that I have seen has only a single ONT and then goes to the Telus router/modem which can not be set to pass-through.
Further, I have never heard of a multi-unit dwelling OR commercial building refusing access to a service provider that could guarantee bonding and/or licensing.
Microsoft phone support contractors told to hang up after 15 minutes
SEC chair blasts Silicon Valley for its hokey valuations
Don't – don't – install iOS 9.3 on your iPad 2: Upgrade bricks slabs
'Hot Tech Talent' IT job board ads caught up in sexism allegations
Microsoft's equality and diversity: Skimpy schoolgirls dancing for nerds at an Xbox party
Data-thirsty mobile owners burn through 5GB a month
Lose the onion tears, Tor fanboys: CloudFlare may consider binning CAPTCHAs, says CEO
Randomness is a lottery, so why not use a lottery for randomness?
Reminder: How to get a grip on your files, data that Windows 10 phones home to Microsoft
IBM UK puts 1,352 Global Tech Services heads 'at risk'
No tit for tat, or should that be tat for tit ... Women selling stuff on eBay get lower bids
You appear to have not read your own site, especially the article debunking the "paid less than men" reality-distortion that we are expected to believe in and never question.
When adjusted for taking maternity leave (and child raising time beyond that) and looking at like for like comparison (no comparing male engineers to females nurses) male-female earnings are not that far apart.