Spare a thought for those manually reviewing the images
Yet more jobs, probably low paid, that will cause PTSD in people just trying to pay their bills. No one could pay me enough to be a content reviewer in situations like that.
10 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2015
Since migrating to Voda for my home connection, while sync speeds have remained at 57-59, actual throughput at any time other than the middle of the night is terrible, often falling to 5-10mbps during mid evening. Suppliers get away with sync speeds while the pipes are so congested that actual performance can often be risible.
Also such a shame to see the table mainly filled with BT or subsidiaries, Sky and Talktalk....
Lester was my favourite Reg contributor by some way. His style was so recognisable, and his wit so polished. I particularly enjoyed that is articles were often utterly unrelated to IT so provided a few minutes of "non computing" during a computer-filled working day. His pieces about his Special Projects Burro were a particular delight.
So sad for his family and friends. Hopefully he and his Burro can continue their work in the next world.
RIP Lester.
The biggest problem with the charging stations is that if there are say 2 plug in points, and both are already in use, you've got potentially up to half an hour to wait before you can even plug in. People at a petrol pump will be there for a few minutes, so if there's a queue it's never too long to wait. But with EV points, it's a LONG wait.
And as for ones in supermarkets, car parks etc, it's not uncommon in our part of the UK (SW) to find that people have just parked in the dedicated charging space, thus rendering it useless just because it was a bit closer to the supermarket door than any other space. A bit like people abusing parent spaces or disabled spaces, these EV spaces get abused as well.
The biggest problem with the charging stations is that if there are say 2 plug in points, and both are already in use, you've got potentially up to half an hour to wait before you can even plug in. People at a petrol pump will be there for a few minutes, so if there's a queue it's never too long to wait. But with EV points, it's a LONG wait.
And as for ones in supermarkets, car parks etc, it's not uncommon in our part of the UK (SW) to find that people have just parked in the dedicated charging space, thus rendering it useless just because it was a bit closer to the supermarket door than any other space. A bit like people abusing parent spaces or disabled spaces, these EV spaces get abused as well.
She was Karving her initials on the moose with the sharpened end
of an interspace toothbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law - an
Oslo dentist and star of many Norwegian movies: "The Hot Hands of an Oslo
Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Molars of Horst Nordfink"...