1. So far as NBN Co accusing IA of being “economical with the truth” is concerned. Pot, Kettle, Black!
2. The directors who’ve left have done so for a variety of reasons – in some cases they’d perhaps prefer were not raised, while others had maybe just been on the board far too long?
3. As The Australian has been told many times, my association with the ALP is well known, especially in Canberra, and has not affected my role at IA any more than it did when I was a working journalist.
4. The need for FTTN to be replaced (within 5-10 years of the completed roll out) is the view of Dr Paul Brooks and others with similar tech credibility.
5. I’m not aware of IA ever claiming that XG-Fast would require new copper. All we’ve stated is that it won’t work over many of the longer copper runs in the existing Telstra network.
6. Does anyone seriously believe NBN Co will be able to upgrade (replace) FTTN out of its revenues in any timeframe likely to be in accord with customer needs and expectations? Bill Morrow certainly doesn’t seem to think so. He told Senate Estimates that people wanting faster broadband would have to fund their own upgrades (replacement).