one world
"new Chinese cyber-security law...shares ideological roots with the British...Powers Bill..."
Interesting choice of words.
More research needed.
81 publicly visible posts • joined 24 May 2015
The photo scored a triple entendre. The main story is 'bug fixes in hand', the 'bugs' are big, and the name of the next distro may include Weta, but please not.
The formal use of "bug" would not include Weta, but in the wild, the word includes crickets, crabs, and sci-fi aliens for the xenophobic. Why use a joke icon when you have photographs?
If markets generally operate on the principle of supply and demand, who is demanding connected private vehicles? Several people I have talked to are apprehensive of the idea, and I do not personally know anyone who is eager to expose their private vehicle to the open Internet. Phones, laptops, GPS - wonderful, but not the brakes, please.
I have not purchased a new vehicle recently, and of anyone who has, I ask, did you have a choice of connected or not? Is this all supply-side?
"...the term for leaving bits of equipment inside a patient..."
Found some:
Unretrieved Device Fragments(UDF)
Retained surgical instruments
Retained foreign objects
Unintentionally retained foreign bodies
Medical malpractice (from legal site)
I have not found one specific to robots, so I propose URF - Unretrieved Robot Fragment, because it sounds only a little painful.
It appears that you have swallowed the innuendo -
"by her own admission"
"breathlessly repeated"
"cannot hide behind"-
and spit up libel- "also of funding at least one terror group" - to go along with your puerile insults. By chance, are you auditioning for Fox News?
Well, I do not know if she drinks champagne or if she is a socialist. I would not particularly care if she was a drooling champagne socialist, or a drooling whiskey-swilling teabagger. The situation just seems to be a (so far) milder version of the McCarthy era, where innuendo and secret information rule. If the government has evidence of a crime, then she should be arrested. If not, she should have the right to know the reasons for this apparent harassment.
Vociferous criticism of government is one of the best features of democracy, is open to all, and is not treasonous. Having rich parents is definitely an asset when taking on the government, but hey, she was born that way. I've seen worse rich kids.
This is good. T.W. throws a compliment at Marx and is criticized for being Freidman-inspired. When he disparages Keynes and compliments Freidman, he is called a Lefty. His explanations are called rants. I think Mr. Worstall is not here for our benefit. Rather, he comes here to practice skin-thickening for his political life.
As to economics on a tech site, what sector is more involved in global trade than IT? IT enables global trade on a massive scale, is traded globally, tallies global trade, suffers out-sourcing, down-sizing, expansion and competition according to global economic factors. Your next chip_drive_OS_security bits are subject to global economic(and political) happenings. My long-ago Middle East posting is now filled by someone with English as a second language - global labour trade (some will work for less). I for one like to hear about politics and economics, especially as to how they affect IT. I would even like a bit on the menu bar for just that.
Now That's a rant, not an explanation:)
Ah, but the view. There are a lot of people willing to give that 'hell' a try for a few weeks or months, even if the cabbage is 56 million US$ a head. Just keep curated streaming music out of it;)
Benefits: gardens in space will tick off the we're-out-of-food-all-going-to-die lot, and necessitate a PARIS IPO.
8 hours in and no disparaging jokes? Right.
It takes a statistician to make numbers look drunk. It takes a politician bearing numbers to make a statistician look sober.
It takes a statistician to find that 95% of criminals eat bread. It takes a politician to ban toast.
Statisticians toss out outliers. Politicians toss out lies.