Pencils don't crash
Here in oklahoma, we've stayed on the optical voting system and never have issues like hanging chads, un-auditable trails, crashing or unreliable e-voting, etc. It's about as simple and clear as you can get. You draw a line to connect the box for yes or no, who you want to vote for, etc. It's tallied electroniclly and has been for 20 years....with a very high reliability rate. Many states are tossing their e-voting systems here in favor of systems like ours. I'm in IT, and I will tell you that I would never choose a e-voting machine. They have proven that they can't do the job. People want technology, but it's one that just isn't ready yet. There are far too many variables that not a single manufacturer has been able to conquer. Stick with the "pencil" folks, you'll be better off (and cheaper)...and you'll never have to worry about seeing a blue screen of death as you vote. :)