Re: hmmm
1) To answer the question, that depends on the person but all of ther above, some of them living within the limits of the system others frauding it. Don't get me wrong there are genuine people out there in a hard way who benifits should help however I also have met many that want that life for themself who call people who work idiots for not taking from the state.
2) Yes im not simply looking at if they have dishes on the side of a house, im talking about people with active subscriptions who will brag about such things but then complain about having a lack of money.
3) What I consider a nice holiday and what the people I specifically am thinking about differ a lot, but no not some cheap s*n holiday, but the likes of Turkey or such.
4) Yes I have seen it many times, growning up in certain area's near liverpool I knew serveral dealers and users on my street alone, every one claimed and yes the police new about it but you didn't grass unless you didnt value your safety. More recently again yes people taking drugs and the authorities know about it in fact in the particular case I am talking about drugs is one of the major factors of having the children put into care.
5) This could be different on case by case, the particular example I mentioned I only found out about recently when my neighbour's were pick pocketed just after picking up their pension's. When I was asking if she had enough money for food in the mean time to get buy she told me she had some money she was saving to buy some new glasses as hers were broken. Me and my missus organised a collection and raised the money to give them back everything they lost. We are also helping them look into what they can get help with but it all boils down to the fact as a couple they are just above the income threshold for getting pension credit so have to pay.
6) If your serious about helping them then feel free to email me on and I can give details, I am in contact with AgeUK trying to arrange what help I can for them.
7) Libaries are free regardless of benifit status (at least the ones I've used and my local one still is). Why would I suggest they scrap that just because I think that giving something new should only be to those truely in need?
8) There is a point to this however we are still talking about websites without heavy media content they can an do work on only a couple of mbit having 10mbit is far above what is needed to access goverment online resources no matter how badly coded and bloated they are.
In reply to other comments saying things about the daily mail etc I am not a reader of it never have been never will be, but I grew up in some of the more deprived area's where almost everyone was claiming from the state and still have that side of the family that live that life. I personally don't agree with though that can work but dont. Im not talking about those who want to but cant, but those that as already mentioned thing those that graft to provide for their familes are fools and idiots, those who try to work the system meant to help people in real need for everything its got. You may not share those view but its still my right to have them.