* Posts by jfm

56 publicly visible posts • joined 7 May 2015


OK, deep breath, relax... Let's have a sober look at these 'ere annoying AMD chip security flaws


Viceroy Research? The one who shorted Capitec Bank in South Africa and then claimed Capitec's financial statements were false and they were a loan shark heading for insolvency? And then when the Reserve Bank and the national Treasury said they had no concerns about Capitec, doubled down and said they'd both accepted the supposedly false accounts at face value, and would discover Viceroy was right and put Capitec into receivership if only they did a proper audit? That Viceroy Research?

It's Pi day: Care to stuff a brand new Raspberry one in your wallet?


Re: Dates

NATO did (and presumably still does) have a different convention. Things didn't happen at midnight, they happened at 2359 (or less commonly, at 0001).

Capita contract probed after thousands of clinical letters stuffed in a drawer somewhere


Re: ICO angle

The proverbial version is a ton. 112 hundredweight.

20 hundredweight. 112lb in a cwt.

Sysadmin crashed computer recording data from active space probe


Yes - I heard, years ago, the almost-instaneous time interval between hitting ENTER and realising you shouldn't've described as an ohnosecond.

UK drone collision study didn't show airliner window penetration


Re: UK gov impact studies (again)

I forget where I first heard it but I think the expression you need is "policy-based evidence-making".

Why don't you rent your electronic wireless doorlock, asks man selling doorlocks


Re: 'be at 20C by 06:30' @AC

Sensing whether a space is in use and saving energy accordingly is not always straightforward. Many years ago, my battalion was training for a deployment. This involved lectures to 600 people, and the only sufficiently large space was the gym.

Some bright spark had improved the energy efficiency of the gym by installing movement-controlled lighting - after all, people are always moving in a gym, aren't they?

Thankfully the Regimental Sergeant-Major had a solution to the problem of sudden darkness 5 minutes into each lecture: instead of the usual barracks-cleaning and other punishment details, the day's defaulters were lined up at the back of the gym to do PT and keep the lights on.
