It's a MacBook appliance designed to die
What Apple have done is create a laptop as an appliance like an iPad only much worse. It's got designed obsolescence built in.
If you check out's teardown at you'll discover that this thing has been carefully engineered to be practically impossible to upgrade or repair in any significant way.
*Proprietary screws to hold some components together.
*The batteries are glued down into the case - so when the batteries die, end of laptop. Buy another
*The Retina display is a fused unit - no way to change anything in it.
*The processor, RAM and flash memory have been SOLDERED to the motherboard - problems with any of those things and you're screwed.
*The motherboard is glued to the case.
*Everything connects through one USB-c connector, power and peripherals, the lot - when that wears out you buy another laptop.
This thing is designed to have a limited lifespan. It's the ultimate throw-away laptop appliance for rich people, because the first component to fail causes the laptop to be useless. It's designed for landfill only. gave it 1/10 (its lowest score) for maintainability.
If Apple had put a clock showing how long you've got left before it's garbage, it could not have done more to be an expensive throw-away.