* Posts by Anton Marcelline

4 publicly visible posts • joined 7 May 2015

Apple's Watch charging pad proves Cupertino still screwing buyers

Anton Marcelline

Re: Powering up reality distortion field now...

@Dave 126 There must be households with a mixed bag of technology that would benefit from a generic charging system rather than a proprietary system that only caters for one manufacturers kit. Also what about public places like airports and hotels.

Happy birthday, Amiga: The 'other' home computer turns 30

Anton Marcelline

Re: Amiga vs Atari ST and the Demoscene

thanks I enjoyed those. very cool. i was speaking to a Polish guy recently who said that they still have a very active demoscene over there. I was never involved with the scene directly, just enjoyed purchasing demo disks from public domain/shareware catalogues.

not sure if you remember any of the demoscene crews from the eighties but The Exceptions (TEX) from Germany and The Carebears (TCB) from Sweden were great crews who produced some fantastic demos.


apparently the demoscene derived from the crack intro's for games. do you remember the UK cracking crew called Automation? You used to mail a disk up them (to a PO Box number in Manchester) enclosed with a £1 and a SAE and they would send back that disk to you with several of the latest games titles.


From Bedrooms to Billions

Anton Marcelline

Re: From Bedrooms to Billions

Yes I am surprised that flick never got reviewed on here either. Great documentary covering 8-bit micro's (Nascom, TRS-80, Atari, ZX80, ZX81, Speccy, C64) and burgeoning UK gaming industry (Ocean, Imagine, US Gold, Hewson, Codemasters) and C64/SID music programmers like Rob Hubbard, Ben Daglish, Martin Galway.

The same production team are due to release a follow up flick covering the 16-bit Amiga years (what about the Atari ST) and I do hope they cover the 16-bit demoscene (https://en.wikipedia.org/?title=Demoscene) as well.

A world of conferences beckons for the Apple sysadmin

Anton Marcelline

Mac Admin and Developer Conference UK

Amsys (Authorised Apple Service Provider and Europe's largest Authorised Apple Training) run an annual Mac Admin and Developer Conference. More details and register your interest at the link below.


Also Amsys' events page is available here >> http://www.amsys.co.uk/events/