A mud hut is a very nice house while the sun is shining, but come the rains, your fucked.
Adobe have grown fat and lazy on a couple of successful products now they lay back with their feet up.
624 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2007
It says "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" on my passport.
And if you'd have googled you'd have seen there are three airports within 10 mile radius of the 'City' of Toronto OH, The others being Herron and Jefferson County. Charles D Herron. was a five star General in WWII ( but I am yet to make a battle connection.. not that it matters much as we all know what the right answer should have been...
Anyway I always thought it was odd that the Americans have such small cities the lack of size distinction does cause issues such as this.
PS dont forget where you put your case... A swift retrieval may be due...
Orange actually told me the telecoms remit is for phone calls and texts only and that Data is not part of thier remit and as such has no priority what so ever, and that I cant complain or ask for a refund if it does not work.
I get great 3G coverage but NO GPRS Packet data at all, their networtk is a shambles. Its almost certain that it will fall over in every business/commercial area at lunchtimes.
I am now looking for a new provider who understands that Data is more important to me than getting spam texts at 3am.
The internal combustion engine really is not the problem! the FUEL is the problem. If you are using synthetic hydrocarbon efficently produced from renewable sources ie solar powered cracking of crop or algae derrived hydrocarbons then you end up with a perfectly acceptable fuel, (where incidentally everyone is still beholden to the fuel supplier - you'd have thought the oil companies would have done this sooner.) alternativly you could use a hydrogen IC engine or an alcohol based IC engine.
What I'd like to see is these other sources being used efficently in a Plug in hybrid like the Ampera or Prius-PIH, whereby 90% of my motoring is Grid powered, but where this is inconvienient (like 30 mins to charge every 90 mins) I'd like a highly efficent generator fuelled by something (anything really!) I can bring along or refil in 10 minutes at most. To be fair I dont care what the technology is whether its fuel Cell, IC, gas turbine or Stirling cycle, as long as it's efficent and convienient. Im not going to blindly rule out a certain technology because it once use peanut oil (The Diesel Engines first fuel!) or 'a.n.other' fuel, that would just be daft.
What I want is a car I can use like I do today, call me dependant if you want, but there is suitble solution out there, that is more environmentally friendly, than the diesel I drive today, and just as convienient. I really don't want to be dependant on fossil fuels, but whilst that is the only solution available, If I can reduce my dependance down to just 10% of my driving then I will. Roll on 2012.
As a side note Robert Llewelyn still drives a 100% Petrol Prius, so really needs to be less perfect-preacher, and more leader. Yes he has made a start, and is more efficent than most, but hes still not as optimum as he preaches. Being a little less high and mighty in his postings might win him, and the better technology he promotes, some more friends. And perhaps in 2012 we'll see carpool in a Plug in Prius, It'll be interesting to see how much of his journeys are electric only..
already seen a kinect 'eye' being used on an autonomous quadracopter (youtube) to see objects whilst it is flying around. it really is superb tech. (and at a reasonable price to!) I'm really looking forward to seeing more ingenious uses... not just gesture related (air guitar)
I would like to be the first to welcome our kinect eyed autonomous friends.
see my post above, just as sony said there is no future for the OLED this QLED will not arrive untill someone has paid for the LCD plants, so go buy an LCD TV and when the capitalists have enough money they'll buy/build a new plant. (more LCD's sold = quicker next tech)
They havn't paid the mortgage off yet.. they invested a lot of money in LCD plants based on a 20 year life for the technology.. but OLED appeared at year 5.. so what to do? write it off? make a loss? it'll never happen. Instead they'll tinker with LCD, move from CFD to LED backlight and pretend its the new OLED Tech as its got LED in the name... oh they have already.
unfortunatly progress is not driven by science, technology or education, its driven by capitalism.
Save the wages paid to the idiot who thought it was a good idea to screwup the sagepay interface, how about a quick show of hands from sagepay users, who is still using the 'OldSkool' Interface over the new version? I know that we are as it actually works reliably and is fast, oh and the reports have totals!
Charged by Braking, I think you'll find that was the OP's point. if the car just drives steady (say on a motorway) it cannot charge from braking and having batteries is just a pointless load. capture of momentum energy storage and re-release - by definition requires stop-start conditions. ie normal city traffic.
Geoff nobody is doubting your mpg the pruis is efficent, but its regen ability IS designed for stop-start. as OP suggests. and if you only drive steady on motorways you really dont need the batteries.
Thanks for the clarification, I dont like to install un-needed programs (can you tell I used windows a lot?) both for bloat and resurce usage. I am much happier using a webpage that any pc, netbook, mobile or phad in my house can use to tweak, fix or change config. Nothing more anoying than being in an alternate OS or VM and finding you cant tweak something easily.
I also don't understand why anyone would want to waste resources on a pointless application/service. just like a lot of new mobile apps for example the bbc news App, why install an app when you can just add a shortcut to the bbc mobile website???
maybe its just me...
Really? Damn I just bought a QNAP 459 Pro+ How gutted am I......
clue: Not very!
I do think that QNAP is miles ahead on the interface front no software installation required the whole lot is fully configurable from the web interface, lots of different services and the QPackage system is a real Win, its just like an App Store for the NAS, and they did it before crapple too!
Even the energy consumption figures are better on the QNAP box! (35w/19w)
might have blocked radio signal - Clearly not GPS Track recorded, Beacon Transmitted, only the APRS GPS messaging Failed and backups were in place and worked successfully.
Release it - Ultimatly it released, actually at a better altitude than could have been dreamed of!!
Recover it - by means of Radio Beacon - Tick - beacon was not there by accident no luck involved.
lack of horizontal "flight" - 89,000 Feet! - go read up about air density and altitude, U2 can only "Fly" upto 70,000 feet, the absolute altitude record for sustained Horizontal flight of 85,135 feet is held by an SR71. Just what are you expecting?
Perhaps one of these (with an external Lipo):
Shouldn't be a weight issue there! especially if you can strip it down, if you replace the internal 150mah battery with a 2000mah phone battery it'd be superb. (would be even better if you could add a wideangle lens!)
judging by the comments everyone is more angry about the changes to mysagepay than they were about the password fuck up?
I had to unlock and reset about 5 accounts (of 12) because the passwords got screwed up.. I'm Guessing that because they had special SQL chars like % that they were borked in the transfer.
I then had to spend an hour explaining to 12 people that yes they have to reconfigure the reports everyday because you cant save your layout... oh and yes then youy have to export load into excel and then sum to get a total, oh yeah and dont forget to extract the refunds from the purchases first... geeze that went down well...
Now Google need to start using it in thier own products! When you want a link to google maps or streetview, at present you get a monster URL. I am looking forward to getting a short instead!
Maybe for security, google products could use tagged links. so you know what it is before you click it, perhaps: - for google maps links - for google docs links
to set up an account on twitter for @BigBadWolf and post this:
Those 3 Little legal folks better find an ounce of common sense pretty sharpish, or I'll Huff, and I'll Puff, and I'll blow their courthouse [sky high/down].
(The porcine inference is intended, as it's my taxes that they are pigging out on.)
And just to prove the pointlessness of the research.. you give a '24/7 unsupervised' printer as an example of one that could be 'spied' upon! Doh! hardly difficult spying on that..
Of course there are specialist devices for specialist jobs. but today surely DM is less than 2% of printers.. hence does not rule in the world of printers.
So who sends old ribbons for secure destruction? some types of ribon show exactly what was typed, (the ribon moves on after each keystroke) all you need to do is unwind the ribbon and hey presto every message ever typed..
anyway today its Thermal Laser and Inkjet that rule the roost, Old News.
It doesn't make anyone safer, I have not claimed such. I have to stress that I am not trying to defend wikileaks, and if it were my choice I probably would not have published much of the material. However I am trying to highlight the stupid hypocrasy in Mike Mullen's Statement, where he attempts to 'spin' the story, to show wikileaks as being evil. in my opinion they have both done some wrong but so far the count is pretty much one sided. Pot, Kettle, I'll you choose which is which.
As for your example, First, your best case for wikileaks is premature. Secondly, the figure used for the US military is DIRECT Deaths and I really dont think Wikileaks will score there. But if you want to compare I think you should look at the INDIRECT deaths for both sides. and from memory thats way over 30,000 civilians (excluding combatants) SO FAR, verses erm... none so lets wait on that one and put the prejudment back in tha can.
Not that it matters, as has been stated, 'two wrongs dont make a right' and as someone once said, 'let him who is without sin cast the first stone' so the US military (voiced by Mike Mullen) should stfu.
Wow two totally diametrically opposed replies... One espousing two wrongs And the other thinking I inferred it. well comon guys fight it out and make up your minds.. you cant both be right. infact you are both wrong.
If I can quote from Admiral Mike Mullen's Statement: " the truth is they[wikileaks] might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family ". Where as I see it as some people ALREADY have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family. I'm sure you are capable of seeing the perspective, and understanding how small and insignificant the wikileaks issue really is. (I am neither espousing more or less action just lets focus on the large issues that have happened not a small (in perspective) issues that might.)
@AC no hunch, US Military at least 5000 Direct casualties and counting, wikileaks ?? so far.
So its suitable for one car in 70 households... That is one hell of a carshare. It's really not going to work for 69 in 70 households. ergo its a crap idea.
Better to just run a static methane fuelcell and put electricity directly into the grid so it can charge 1/70th of 70 peoples leccy cars...
Industrial Revolution.
Whilst others have tinkered only one really succeded. A cradle is for nuturing growth after the birth not for conception.
oh and perhaps you mean escapement not catchment.
Education these days really is piss poor. (as I beleive the OP was suggesting) Threading a brass rod by hand would only take 10 minutes but they don't sell Taps and Dies in B&Q!
So goofgle (I'll leave that typo as its far to appropriate!) said to themselves what if email didn't exist? How would we make it today? and voila Wave was born...
Anyway what Google Failed to realise that releasing an alternative email system would probably only work IF email didn't exist in the first place.... so just as has been posted above. Wave was always second to email and just extra hassle. What google should have done was integrate Gmail into wave so that there was just ONE application, with multiple types of email/wave threads.
Wave was good, but in the end it was too much hassle to manage multiple apps. In the same way that people dont have myspace bebo twitter and facebook.. but instead just stick to one.