* Posts by Parax

624 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2007


Ten... smartphone survival accessories


USB Host Cable

£3 from amazon, and the only accessory I've really needed. I might get myself an HDMI adapter for the phone though.. or maybe not my Transformer already has HDMI.

Lesser-spotted Raspberry Pi FINALLY dished up


Re: Wuh? wuh, wuh, wuuuuuuhhhhh ...

@Pete2 I'll be bringing round a 12 Yo with a thumb drive to plug into YOUR home computer I'm sure he wont remove your partition table by accident...

rPi really is a good thing, it can be taken home and simply plugged in without mum & dad having a panic attack over a dead windows box.

Vintage alien tech crash-lands in field

IT Angle

Looks Like there is an IT angle..

someone has hacked a robot lawnmower...or a tractors Crop management GPS system...

Or alternatively it's proof that Farmer Giles actually did invent Draw Something....

The best April 1 gags … or were they?


Steve Jobs Movie

Ashton Kutcher to play Steve Jobs


Hasbro fails to win Asus Transformer Prime ban


Maybe they'd have a point if...

Art Lebedev made an Optimus Keyboard dock for the Transformer Prime..

icon, close enough...

El Reg Forums FAQ


Re: Have we missed anything?

It's funny how you think it's selfish.. After all, it's not for me that I would correct a typo, it is for you, and the other readers.

I am happy to admit I am not infallible, but I am not arrogant enough to think I am.


Re: Have we missed anything?

Oh Drew, apparently the "Send corrections" link at the foot of every story was a waste of effort money and time, an expert has spoken.

How about a user block feature, so we can eliminate comments from arrogant cocks.


Have we missed anything?

Quick edit feature?

Being able to correct a typo would be nice..

(maybe time limit editing to 5 minutes to prevent message changing.)

Record-breaking laser pulse boosts fusion power hopes


Electricity Bill

Its really not much.. the 23billionths of a second is such a short duration it makes all the comparison numbers massive the 411trillion watts for example is joules per whole second. Its still only 2MJ total, which has been said above is about a car battery.

The next trick is to get more than 2MJ energy out.... how are they doing on that front? have they ignited fuel yet?

(btw just like black holes mini suns need fuel the fuel pellets contain enough fuel for the mini sun to burn for a tiny fraction of a second, meaning it will self extinguish very rapidly, containment is not necessary.)

El Reg user forum opens to public, HTML for all (mostly)


Re: My obligatory comment to see if I've reached 100 posts yet.

Yes. it lies! As usual any update results in more to update elsewhere!


Re: My obligatory comment to see if I've reached 100 posts yet.

Your at 101 actually...


Cameron denies personal Trident missile firing iPad app


Scorched Earth

Thank you Wendell T Hicken.

Death Star SUCKS PLASMA FROM SUN in NASA riddle vid


Important Question

But Is it a Fully Operational Coronal Cavity?

Pub landlady's footie sat-TV battle moves law's goal posts


Robber Barons

is an underused term for Big Business.. please feel free to use it more.

Orange 3G data network goes titsup


Nothing Nowhere.

"Some Orange customers" Think that could be an error... anyone got data at all anywhere?

Ten... top Android games

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and xcom enemy unknown has me :D

Chinese cops bust culinary Apple trademark thieves


Who'd a thunk it.

Turns out that when you put iphone to your ear it really does fry your brain.

LOHAN flashes fantastical flying truss


Expansion Issue

You know that these balloons go to 6m+ diameter at altitude right?

I can't see how you are accommodating the Massive size these balloons will get to as the atmosphere thins.. Surely you need a 6M+ truss.

Attention tweeters: Your chance to win undying GLORY


Ahh yes @RegVulture that'll be the one that thinks its an RSS feed.. unfollow.

NHS fined £375k after stolen patient data flogged on eBay



The NHS are responsible and should be fined, They in turn should sue the contractor for the entire sum + all costs. That is correct procedure, they should not be winging.

If the contractor is too small and cant pay then the NHS is out of pocket but that is their own fault, for using sub par contractors. the lowest price is not always the best solution.

Always ensure your contractors have indemnity insurance! (PI) if they don't, they can't do the job.

Phone maker punts AA-powered blower



is here: http://data.energizer.com/PDFs/l91.pdf

Max discharge = 2Amps (@1.5v = 3Watts Max realistically vDrop will mean 1.2v~2.4Watts)

1TB USB stick shoved into Swiss Army knife


The Pi prototype was USB stick Sized:


(The Pi is driven by cost not size.)

KIBOSH 'non lethal' sticky-bomb hits a car, fills it with gas



That's my Picture of a Google Streetview car used for the front page scrolling banner image for this story... I look forward to my royalties cheque/beer token.

PayPal dispute ends in 'violin destruction'


Seems it was advertised as a "Maurice Bourguignon", as per the label, the buyer did not agree.

As to whether it was advertised as a "authenticated by [Insert Name of Luther] Maurice Bourguignon" I don't know.. If it was then Paypal were in the wrong to order its destruction.

I think Paypal should have consulted a specialist on this one.. Perhaps they should also do so on all $1000+ item disputes.. Or at least offer the service to the seller with a $100 fee. Perhaps a Paypal Authentication centre should be established...

Plastic semiconductor makes solar cells more efficient



If it were 100% efficient at capturing photons it would be matt black anyway... the kind of eerie matt black that you cant see, and cant judge a distance too..

Nikon 1 V1 interchangeable lens compact camera

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Same Photo!

In addition The Robie House model is nice, but the Lego Version is more Fun!

( xmas is coming.. http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Robie-House-21010 )

Grand Theft Auto 3 fires towards fondleslabs


Great on Asus Transformer..

Anyone got a linky to keyboard controls though I have'nt found them all...


Refund Problem

Anyone else see that the 15 min Google refund policy is not adequate for a 400MB download over 3g (30 mins to download!)

Bug silences Samsung Galaxy Nexus



Here's a vid showing how to do it.


Looks like a hardware issue which is in all likelihood going to require a recall... unless of course there just holding it wrong (tm)

Too rude for the road: DVLA hot list of banned numberplates


What idiot would buy PE12 VRT anyway?

Jonny Smith, @Carpervert TV presenter & journalist, Perhaps..

Google will ignore your Wi-Fi router ... if you rename it


Paranoia and Media Hype

So how many of you guys hide your house number on your front door? Who tapes over their car number plate ? who wears a bag over your head? ohh god forbid you should see me!1!one!

A broadcast ssid is just that, a public broadcast. Address is as address does. Time to wake up and get over it.

Bill Gates strangled Microsoft's 'tablet for creatives'


IT wasn't the email...

It was how it would integrate with outlook & exchange. The courier could send email and it would easily have been able to receive email, but it was not properly integrated into the 'cash cows' What BG or whoever forgot was that cash cows grow old and die, you need new cows to be birthed every now and again.. the courier was aborted, and I suspect its not the first time that a good device (with high potential) has been slain for the sake of propping up and old a withering cow.

MS truly is a dinosaur, its blinkered to the existing way, It has no potential. Its clear that no product that could replace the current cow could ever come to fruition because it would put the current cow at risk and this is strictly verboten.

Business stifles Innovation.

Scotland Yard trackers operate fake mobile base stations

Black Helicopters

It also takes a specific court order

No it does not! just like ANPR does not need a court order. All that "Yummy Data" is just phones squaking their ID' s and asking for service. It only requires a court order if that Data is on someone else's database, ie a data protection issue. Real-time collection is not subject to this problem.

Ballmer disses Android as cheap and complex


More Computer Scientists? Yes Please!

Computers are amazing tools Just imagine a world where everyone could be productive with them... a world where everyone can use a computer (properly) would be great! I don't get why Ballmer is bashing it.. perhaps, like his software, he prefers us to be idiot simpletons.

No Thanks! Tech for all, No Tech divide, no Tech 3rd world, etc...

Collapsing cranes and cantankerous cars



Indeed. Looks like outrigger failure (the usual cause of failures).

Geeks chip in to fund nerd's space station gizmo launch


Heavans above.

Why would he want a gizmo? when an app will do it? even better just make an Alert beacon (controllable via Bluetooth) that can be used by any number of apps, for any number of purposes.

(I give you this for free! its now public domain. patent trolls go home.)

Hunt for long-lost Apollo 10 moon lander adrift in space


Could be tricky! objects don't just fall into a Lagrange point, its not a black hole attracting stuff. They are equi-gravitaional-potential zones.. You can orbit these zones, Problem is there are at least a Billion different Lissajous curve or Halo Orbits!

see More here:



Printable mini-display tech draws power from NFC devices


Really cool solution seeks problem to solve

Does this tech mean oyster cards could display a balance on the card every time they are scanned?

And why only a few seconds? if this were using an e-ink display surely the image could be retained until the next scan..

London bus timings mobile beta site spotted

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Missing Ingrediant?

So why are there not QR bar-codes on every bus stop? 1 scan tells you when the next buses for that stop are.

Or perhaps if they had a list of the bus routes that use the stop, they could include a QR code for each route, which would just tell you the times for that bus route.

Couple can sue service that monitored their net sex


Thanks for the tar brush.

Until you can learn to differentiate, you gain -1's.


and there lies the nub.

Exactly. From what written of the Judges summary it is not illegal to use the webcam to snap a suspect BUT it is illegal to intercept their communications. Whilst these may sound the same they are distinctly different. as Gordon10 points out. An individual has a right to private communication, as was going on in this case. However, the stolen property also has the right to take occasional pictures, though not necessarily to intercept communication streams though! Proving that distinction is what is required here. If the laptop was just forwarding images whilst the cam was enabled that could be lawful. If the laptop was forwarding images from a "protected by law" communication that may not be legal. So what's the difference>? well it could be argued either way. One argument is that the images were captured native from the cam prior to going to communication software, However the opposing argument says that the camera forms the communication.. I can see why its going to need a ruling!

A Farewell to Oates: Adios, El Reg


re: Good Luck

good fortune and take cake.

Russian Progress space truck crashes in Siberia


Where exactly did you look that up?

"... the safety record of the Soyuz-U rocket -- 745 successful launches and just 21 failures over nearly four decades"

My source: http://www.spaceflightnow.com/station/exp28/110824prog44p/index2.html

Amateur balloonists hit record 40,575m above East Anglia


I need a lighter payload.

Perhaps add another A to the batteries? (AAA rather than AA).

OR use less gas.. slower ascent but greater expansion.

ISS 'naut shoots first ever 3D footage in space


3D in space..

Oh go on then can I be the first to mention NASA's Stereo Solar Observatory. It's filimg in 3D too!

Anyway I think this is supposed to be the first LIVE 3d stream.

Russia: 'We'll dump the ISS into the sea after 2020'


Looks like A Lot of Lost in Translation Here!

Two questions:

Q1: what will you do with the ISS at the end of its life? A: sink it.

Q2: when is end of life? A: it's current mission concludes in 2020 (but future missions could be added.)

Cue the "wtf the're going to sink it in 2020?"

Really, Nothing to see here move along.

Utah cops baffled in case of mysterious anonymous cuffee


He signed all the forms John Doe..

Because his name is John Doe.

That would be funny.

Ofcom posts broadband, mobile punter satisfaction scores



Scores 101% well done.
