* Posts by Parax

624 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Jul 2007


LOHAN is GO! Reg spaceplane BLASTS OFF on 14 September


Re: but I favour helium.

Obviously, Flush for cash these days. and has no care for diminishing He stocks, chuck another peasant pedant on the bonfire, it's getting nippy.

LOHAN ideas..


Re: Tracking by telescope.

Manual telescope tracking is unlikely to work , but automatic telescope tracking could be used if you are using the right tracking scope, usually the camera is set to track a pinpoint light, but in this case I'm sure a white sphere could be tracked against the blue sky if you were to play with the camera software a bit...


Re: LOHAN ideas.. @M Gale

"Can the parachute be made big enough" - No, the parachute will not be effective at all, until very much lower altitude. The air is far too thin.

Aha, I see you switched on your mobile Wi-Fi. YOU FOOL!


Re: Or another spin:

since its a very local vuln, I don't think it'll ever make headline news, but this does not mean it is not being abused in a very low number of cases... the question is how significantly...

Badges for Commentards


Re: Make up your mind El Reg!!

Perhaps you are bouncing in and out of the minimum requirement on a daily basis, You need to have 100 posts in the last 365 days. if you drop to 99 your out, but a new post would bring you back into the group.

FLABBER-JASTED: It's 'jif', NOT '.gif', says man who should know


I think this is all some sort of Gif-Gaff


So this is a bit of a conundrum.

When exactly did it become Jraphics?

BT Tower is just a relic? Wrong: It relays 18,000hrs of telly daily


"resembling a gigantic Star Trek gadget"

But the Sonic Screw Driver is from Dr Who.

MYSTERY Nokia Lumia with gazillion-pixel camera 'spotted'


which bloggers have decided is called "EOS",

Oh please don't! EOS is a fairly decent Canon camera range it doesn't need this saddle bagging on it.

Builder-in-a-hole outrage sparks Special Projects Bureau safety probe


Re: Woah there

I thought it was People Eating Tasty Animals.

See the domain name dispute.

Hemp used to make graphene-like supercapacitors


Re: ENERGY density, not power

Article is confusing Energy and Power the two links say:

" is its maximum power density, a measure of how much power a given mass of the material can produce. At 60 °C, the material puts out 49 kW/kg; "


"At a very high power density of 20 kW kg–1 and 20, 60, and 100 °C, the energy densities are 19, 34, and 40 Wh kg–1, respectively. Moreover the assembled supercapacitor device yields a maximum energy density of 12 Wh kg–1"

Penguins in spa-a-a-ce! ISS dumps Windows for Linux on laptops


"While software isn't the main cause of failure for the station's laptops"

I bet they dropped a fair few too...

Scramjet X-51 finally goes to HYPER SPEED above Pacific


300 minutes at gas mach 5

and they didn't cook it! ... bout time too.. considering, it is significantly slower than previous successful flights with hydrogen fuel.

Thousands rally behind teen girl cuffed, expelled in harmless 'explosion'



1 tsp Borax into Bucket of 1:10 Diluted PVA Glue.. stir...

Add green colour to taste...

Slime Away!

(that's taste as in how you feel, don't eat the stuff!)

Branson's SpaceShipTwo succeeds in first rocket-powered flight


Re: Theme park ride is about right

"the Russians use a Foxbat and take people up to the same height" Are you confusing Feet and Meters?

The all time altitude record for a foxbat is 124kft or 37km Space ship 2 will go beyond the Kármán line at 100km (which is 328kft - you might recall Spaceship One's tail number was 328kf for this very reason)

Galaxy S4 radiant, but has black holes


Is it missing anything?

Does it have rSAP? seems most are not bothering with the only decent car interface.

Every new iteration of mobiles seems to be give with one hand and take with the other.

NASA-backed fusion engine could cut Mars trip down to 30 days


Too many Errors

"compress lithium or aluminum metal bands around a deuterium-tritium fuel pellet to initiate fusion."

"A pellet the size of a grain of sand " - if you ignore the compression bands

"mean that the spacecraft could power itself on solar energy alone." - if you ignore the compression bands and fuel pellets.

So it needs fuel pellets, and new compression bands for every pulse, So it most certainly can not function "on solar energy alone".

When you can do this without wasting the compression bands then it'll be more interesting. I don't know how you could do this though, other than going back to Solar powered laser confinement, maybe Lasers Are the answer.

Researcher hacks aircraft controls with Android smartphone



"The hacked aircraft could even be controlled using a smartphone's accelerometer to vary its course and speed by moving the handset about."

Feedback loop, It'll only end one way.

Congratulations, copyright infringers: You are the five per cent


all about values.

I'm happy to watch F1 on the BBC but I'm not paying Murdoch for it. It's value to me is grater than free but less than sky subscription.

Towie's value to me is negative you'd have to pay me to Watch.

Where's the I'm a freeloader icon?

(I know, I Pay BBC via tv licence, but If I paid sky for F1 I still would have to pay the TV licence, so it doesn't count)

Farewell, Reg: This hack is hanging up her Apple jacket


Oh Noez.. who gonna uncover last nights RBS downage now...

You'll be missed at the vulture nest, enjoy chewing up the WSJ.


Nexus 1 put in orbit to prove 'in space, no one can hear you scream'



Of course they'll hear it scream, the microphone and speaker are physically attached. Only when totally separated by a vacuum will they not hear it. They would need two satellites.

Astronauts are able to communicate on space walks without radio by making physical helmet contact and just talking.

Drone quadracopters throw and catch inverted pendulum


Re: Yummy

they missed pancake day.. tossed by drone would be a new one.

This 320-gigapixel snap of London is size of Buckingham Palace



just what is going on Here... Not so clever computer...

Tesla vs Media again as Model S craps out on journo - on the highway


Re: Question for the crowd

"It's bit unfair to isolate the vehicle from the end-to-end environment impact of the entire fuel chain."

Yes it is isn't it. So here's a really good US govt report on oil refinery energy consumption. That is refining only, when you consider drilling, shipping, and overland transportation to forecourts, the old analogy of 2 barrels in for every barrel out, isn't that far from the truth. So even if you power an EV from a dirty coal power station it's still cleaner than an wheezy ecobox that claims 99g/km but in reality has already burned more than that in refining, production, shipping etc.

As for practical, the Tesla Model S in the story is a SEVEN seater (watch the video here) perhaps you are confusing it with something else?

Oh *all* the car shows? that would be except this one then? what about the papers? Oh.. I don't need to be convinced, I already own one..


Re: Question for the crowd

Just to continue that hydrogen point: 85kWh in hydrogen is 55 Litres, as fuel cell is 50% efficient to match the Tesla's 300 mile range would be 110 Litres. At 70Mpa in a pressurised Round Tank, Which goes where exactly? its a 24" diameter sphere, or you could squash it to a 40" diameter rounded pill.. So how much space did you need in the car?


Question for the crowd

Gasoline is typically 36MJ per Litre - meaning 85kWh = 8.5 Litres

But 8.5 Litres would typically only get you 70 miles in a gasoline car (37mpgUK 29mpgUS)

In the Tesla 85kWh will get you 300+ miles

So a gasoline engine runs at 4.3MJ per mile, whereas the Tesla uses 1MJ per Mile.

Gasoline engines usually max out at 35% efficient. Whereas an electric motor is more like 90%.

The interesting point is when you bring in Hydrogen in at 5.6MJ per litre (compressed at 70 MPa) and run it through a fuel cell at 50% efficiency to drive a 90% efficient Motor, it becomes obvious how stupid Hydrogen is as a fuel compared to battery EV.


Re: Measurement unit?

kWh is also available in J (Joules) or eV (electron Volts) or cal (calories) or even kg·m^2 s^−2 (Si Base) - feel free to choose.

Psst, wanna block nuisance calls? BT'll do it... for a price

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Re: AAISP Honeypot

I prefer this one

The truth on the Navy carrier debacle? Industry got away with murder


So they asked for an option but didn't contract the option.. and when they say lets do that option the price doubles.. easy answer.. tax the fucking bollox of the company that thinks it can milk it. This is for the good of the nation after all not a windfall for their profits.

Fanbois rejoice: iPhone 5, iPad Mini finally jailbroken


does that include malware?

If you want.

Brit boffins GANG-RESEARCH tiny LEDs for 1Gbps network

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Itsy bitsy teenie weenie LEDs to go all beamy

Love it. +1

WORLD temporarily FREED from BURDEN of TWITTER!


It was all because of this .

Silly gits upload private crypto keys to public GitHub projects


I might have already alluded to this in my comment on the four key mistakes article...

Only worth +2 though.

Anger grows over the death of Aaron Swartz


"Aaron dead. World wanderers, we have lost a wise elder. Hackers for right, we are one down. Parents all, we have lost a child. Let us weep." @timberners_lee

'Leccy-starved Reg hack: 'How I survive on 1.5kW'


Re: too easy@Parax

I'd only really recommend MicroCHP if you needed the heat and had battery storage to charge up with the power, microCHP is not a good generator, hence not my first suggestion for Spain. The fuel cells are being installed and are working very well if you have a clean gas supply.

But if you want to go back to basics there's always the Mains Gas Generator .


Re: too easy

That or a proper off grid system, with deep cycle batteries.


too easy

A shed full of lead acid batteries an Inverter (and why not some Solar panels for a free daytime top up?) will solve most of your problems.

New tool jailbreaks Microsoft Surface slabs in 20 SECONDS


that there hadn't been a "very clear positioning of what Windows RT meant in the marketplace"

Windows Restricted Tablet.

Make better suggestions below:

Microsoft burgled, only the APPLE iPADS stolen - cops confirm


Theft or....?

Did a senior manager pop over for a visit, and chucked away a few things he didn't think ought to be there....

Drobo B1200i: The heavy-duty array even your mum could use


Drobo Dashboard management software

Is it really needed? I'm surprised.. really I am. WHY does it need this?

As a QNAP user I'm used to my box managing itself with everything available anywhere via its integrated web server management pages...

Brits are so outraged by Amazon, they voted it TOP for shopping


Re: Brits are so outraged by Amazon,

Ta for correction but point still stands, its the law at fault not the retailers.


Brits are so outraged by Amazon,

Brits are so outraged by UK Tax laws, but that's the Governments fault not Amazon.

Android Trojan taints US mobes, spews 500,000 texts A DAY


"without the user's permission"

Or without the users knowledge? surely you need to accept the permissions to install or is this app bypassing the security?

Police use 24/7 power grid recordings to spot doctored audio


Re: Well there goes another one....

You don't need to record it yourself, it's all recorder for you here.

The 30-year-old prank that became the first computer virus


+1 to that

Today, he reckons the industry has got its priorities wrong. “The anti-virus industry makes me sad,” he says. “We should build systems to be more resistant to computer viruses rather than have a multi-million dollar industry to do clean up."

London Blitz bomb web map a hit-and-miss affair


BC4 Data (see here) has not been digitised yet. they are working on getting that added next.

Mystery X-37B robot spaceplane returns to orbit on Tuesday


Re: X-37 - Prototype weapons platform?

yup 'hovering over China' is just plain wrong, these don't go anywhere near high enough for geo-stationary orbit, they can of course follow an orbit that strategically crosses China.

That square QR barcode on the poster? Check it's not a sticker



How is this a problem? Which barcode scanners AUTOMATICALLY take you to the destination? the one I use DOESN'T, This is deliberate choice on my part, It will show me the data and then ask me what I want to do. This really isn't much of a problem.. If I don't like the url I won't open it, same as anywhere else. Do you click url's sent to you by text message? I don't. how about urls in random tweets.. nope.. same with QR codes, scan look and decide.
